the stress less show

How to Improve Your Sexual Satisfaction

How to Improve Your Sexual Satisfaction

When was the last time you really thought about your sexual satisfaction? Particularly among women in our society, sex can be a pretty big taboo to discuss. Many of us can be so used to ignoring our sexual needs and health altogether that we may even feel ashamed of connecting to this part of ourselves. But the reality is that health is a major stressor in the US and tending to our sexual health and satisfaction is a critical component of truly feeling our best. So let’s talk about it! This week, I sat down with the owner of VSPOT Philadelphia, Paula Di Marco Young, to start this conversation and share how taking care of your sexual health can help you feel your best in and out…

How to Find the Right Job for You

How to Find the Right Job for You

Job hunting - to say that it is a little stressful would be an understatement. It is INCREDIBLY stressful, particularly when we are looking for not just any job but a job we can find fulfillment in. Finding that kind of job is not easy and many of us don’t even know where to begin. That is why I sat down with Lisa Lewis Miller, career transition coach and founder of Career Clarity, to spill some of her best insights on how to manage the job search without so much of the stress that normally comes with it…

How to Manage Media Overload For A Good Night’s Sleep

How to Manage Media Overload For A Good Night’s Sleep

Up all night scrolling through Instagram? Firing off one last work email from under the covers? Watching that last episode of your fave Netflix show at 3 AM? We’ve all been there! These days our phones, computers, TVs, and more take up a huge portion of our days - whether its for work or for pleasure - and all that social media and screen time can start to overwhelm us if we let it go unchecked. This month, we are talking about media overload and how we can keep it from impacting our time, our emotions, and our health! To kick things off, I brought sleep experts and the founders of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Associates, licensed psychologist Jacqueline D. Kloss, Ph.D., and physician Amanda Swain, M.D., back onto the show to shed some light on how media overload can impact our sleep and what we can do about it…

How to Budget Your Way to Prosperity

How to Budget Your Way to Prosperity

Is budgeting a scary word for you? It can be for a lot of us, don’t worry! We may know deep down that we should have one, but actually getting ourselves in the mindset to start a budget isn’t always that simple. But budgeting doesn’t have to be a scary thing and the reality is that a budget can make a world of difference in what our financial futures look like. That is why I brought on founder of Financial Bondage Broken, Clyrese Minor, to break down budgeting and share how powerful it can truly be…

How to Use the Law of Attraction

How to Use the Law of Attraction

Money. It is one of the top stressors in the US for both men and women, and it’s pretty clear why. Many of us want and need more money in our lives to take care of ourselves and our families, but how many of us are truly in the right mindset to receive and attract it? August is money month here on The Stress Less Show and this week, I brought on author, teacher, speaker, and holistic practitioner, Hillis Pugh, to help us start the money conversation by talking about how the law of attraction can put us in a more financially abundant mindset…

How to Stop Emotionally Eating

How to Stop Emotionally Eating

Are you using food as fuel or is there more going on in your kitchen? Eating well is an absolute necessity for our physical health (of course!), but for some of us, our relationship to food and mealtime might be a bit more complicated. For some of us, we turn to food after every bad day at work or stressful situation and our eating habits can start to get away from us. If you can relate, do not worry because you are DEFINITELY not alone, (trust me!). Emotional eating can be really difficult to address within our lives, which is why I am so glad that founder of Escape from Emotional Eating, Jessica Procini, has come back on The Stress Less Show this week to share her tips on stopping emotional eating for good…

How to Work IN for Mind and Body Benefits

How to Work IN for Mind and Body Benefits

It’s time to get physical everyone! This July, we are talking about our physical health because now more than ever do we need to be taking care of our health inside and out. And when it comes to our physical health, a great place to start is with our workouts but there’s more to working out than just dropping pounds or burning calories. The reality when we approach our workouts from a new perspective, we can gain even more benefits from our time at the gym than we realize. This week, I brought holistic transformation coach Nick Deacon back on the show to share how we can use our workouts and physical activity to level up our moods and our minds - not just our bodies…

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries! I cannot stress enough how important they are, but setting healthy boundaries isn’t always as easy as we'd like it to be. We may have trouble knowing what boundaries we need in our lives when we’re so accustomed to focusing on everyone else's needs first. Or maybe we do know what boundaries we need to set, but every time we try to we can't seem to actually stick to them. Let’s face it, creating boundaries can be tough! That is why I brought on The Stress Less Show this week, Mary Brown, founder of Intentional Life Coaching and boundaries expert, to help break down how to set healthy boundaries in our lives and actually make sure we stick to them…

How to Achieve Balance

How to Achieve Balance

How are you doing right now? Throughout this entire month, we have been talking about mental health on The Stress Less Show in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. While mental health is always an important part of our well-being that we need to pay attention to, we find ourselves living in a time where mental health and taking care of ourselves has become even more important. As we continue to adjust to shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders as a result of COVID-19, we might be finding ourselves juggling a million new challenges at any given moment of the day. That is why I brought counselor, Majet Reyes, back on The Stress Less Show to help us find balance during this uncertain time…

How to Be More Efficient in Your Career

How to Be More Efficient in Your Career

Happy New Year on The Stress Less Show! It is our first episode of the new year and the new decade and we are kicking our productivity into high gear this month by learning new tips on how to work less while achieving more! In this week’s episode, I am so excited to have executive coach, Erin Owen, back on the show to share some of her tried and true tips on how to be more efficient in our careers…

How to Strengthen Your Relationship Through Appreciation

How to Strengthen Your Relationship Through Appreciation

It’s always about the little things. How many times have we come home from a long day at work or spent all day cleaning the house and taking the kids to and from school and playdates, just for our partners to barely bat an eye? A major breaking point in relationships often arises when we feel like our partner is taking us for granted and not appreciating our value. We want to be valued for the work and time we put into our responsibilities and relationships, yet so many of us aren’t getting that and we don’t know why. Since this month’s theme on The Stress Less Show is all about relationships - one of the top stressors in America for women - I brought on Certified Relationship and Confidence Coach, Alex Streisand, to talk all about appreciation in relationships…

How to Regain Control of Your Household Chores

How to Regain Control of Your Household Chores

Laundry, taking out the trash, loading the dishwasher - what do these things have in common? They all have the tendency to drive us crazy! Taking care of chores around our homes can be one of those persistent stressors. They have to be done repeatedly and when we have a million other things to take care of at work and in our lives, it can be easy to put off cleaning the house for one day...or two or twenty. The longer we keep pushing off our household chores, the more difficult they become and we then have to spend an entire day buried in dirty clothes and dishes. It happens to all of us, which is why this week on the Stress Less Show, I brought on organizational expert, Sarah Grace of Embrace Your Space NYC, to talk all about household chores…

How to Manage the Stress in Your Relationship With Your Kids

How to Manage the Stress in Your Relationship With Your Kids

It’s that time of year! June is here, the weather is heating up, and that means school is out for the summer! We all love summer vacations and quality family time, but let’s face it, no one knows how to push our buttons more than our family. Between kids being at home more often and planning trips and beach days with the family, the summer can mean sun and stress for a lot of us. That is why this month on The Stress Less Show, our theme is all about family obligations. To start us off this week, I brought parent and teen coach, Tracey Lukes, on the show to talk about managing stress in our relationships with our kids.

Tracey’s work as a parent and teen coach…

How to Cope with Tight Deadlines

How to Cope with Tight Deadlines

We’ve all been in this situation. You show up to work and your boss hands you 3 painstakingly time-consuming projects that all have to be somehow finished by tomorrow. The month of May has been all about the stress of Job Pressure on The Stress Less Show, and there is nothing quite as stressful as facing a tight deadline at work. It can feel impossible to know how to deal with the stress of tight deadlines in a healthy way, and no unfortunately, snacking nervously does not count as dealing. That is why I brought Rachel Sheerin, international keynote speaker and Certified Behavioral Analyst, on this week’s episode to talk about her own story dealing with tight deadlines…

How to Navigate Organizational Changes

How to Navigate Organizational Changes

Organizational changes - these two words are very common in corporate America and for a lot of people, they come with a lot of stress, fear, and panic attached to them. Changes in your organization can result in layoffs, demotions, promotions, relocations, you name it! All of those possibilities have their own challenges attached to them so it is only natural that you might be overwhelmed by just the thought of a reorganization at work. Because this month on The Stress Less Show has been all about managing job pressure, I decided to bring on leadership and talent development expert, Sarah Noll Wilson…

How to Take the Steps to Financial Freedom

How to Take the Steps to Financial Freedom

We have spent the past three weeks on The Stress-Less Show talking about how to manage your debt, budget and money mindset because let’s face it, money can be a touchy subject for a lot of us. We all wish we could live a life where money was not something that we had to worry about all the time. That’s why I brought on money expert Kristy Runzer of OnRoute Financial to share some tips on how to start working towards financial freedom…

How to Start and Stick to Budgeting

How to Start and Stick to Budgeting

This week on the Stress-Less Show, we are talking about Budgeting. I know, your head may still be spinning from all the numbers you spent pouring over on tax day, but now is a perfect time to start crafting a budget that you can stick to so that tax season is a little less stressful. Money Mindset Expert and Certified CPA, Mala Dukhi of Wise Women Smart Money, is back on the show to talk all about how and why to start budgeting.

Let’s be honest: Budgeting is not most people’s idea of a good time. It requires taking a look at your bank accounts and debts and unfortunately, that makes it really easy for most of us to just avoid altogether. Mala noted that “Most people that I've talked to avoid looking at their numbers and the more you avoid the more anxiety and stress you're going to have. So…

How to Face Your Debt Fears

How to Face Your Debt Fears

It is week 2 in our month of tackling money stress on The Stress-Less Show and I am so excited because this week, we are talking about the financial monster in all of our closets - debt. I know, NO ONE likes talking about all of the debt they have stacking up, and trying to keep debt under control and start to pay it off seems downright impossible most of the time. Fortunately, it is not impossible and I brought back our wonderful guest and money mindset expert, Mala of Wise Women Smart Money, to help us break out of our debt fears with some beginning steps we can take towards addressing the debt in our lives.

For many of us, there is a lot of…

How to Shift Your Money Mindset

How to Shift Your Money Mindset

Did you know that 79% percent of women surveyed listed money as a top stressor for them? That’s a lot of us women worrying about the same thing! I know from personal experience and from talking with clients and friends that we all have some form of anxiety or worry at money at some point in our lives. That’s why this month on The Stress-Less Show, we are going to be talking about all things money so that you can start to manage your money stress - instead of it managing you!

Since this month is all about money, I decided to bring my friend and money mindset expert Mala Dukhi of Wise Women Smart Money to share her tools for transforming the way we think about money and feeling more in control of the way we feel about our financial situation. She had so many great ideas for changing your money mindset and my favorite tip that she shared is…