
How to Lead Your Own Career

How to Lead Your Own Career

Do you consider yourself a leader? Whether you lead a team at work or not, the truth is that we are all leaders in our own careers. Yet many of us forget that we do have some control over the direction we take our professional lives. Cultivating a deeper connection to what it means to really lead our career can allow us to release the stress and anxiety we can feel about our careers. I sat down with Leadership Coach and Consultant, Camille McKinney, to learn about her simple self-leadership philosophy which is designed to help you start showing up as a leader in your life and creating the career you truly want…

How to Find the Right Job for You

How to Find the Right Job for You

Job hunting - to say that it is a little stressful would be an understatement. It is INCREDIBLY stressful, particularly when we are looking for not just any job but a job we can find fulfillment in. Finding that kind of job is not easy and many of us don’t even know where to begin. That is why I sat down with Lisa Lewis Miller, career transition coach and founder of Career Clarity, to spill some of her best insights on how to manage the job search without so much of the stress that normally comes with it…

How to Use Tai-Chi Techniques to Bring Peace Into Your Day

How to Use Tai-Chi Techniques to Bring Peace Into Your Day

A lot of times when I talk to people about stress they mention trying meditation but not quite being able to make it work for them. if you are a newbie to meditation and mindfulness,  you might be wondering how sitting down in silence for 25 minutes is going to reduce your stress when your mind just keeps going and going and going. Fortunately, there's so much more to meditation and mindfulness and just sitting down in silence and there are actually simple ways to start incorporating other mindful practices into your life and begin to understand your stress in new ways…

How to Use Your Senses to Stress Less

How to Use Your Senses to Stress Less

Sometimes stress management can feel like a daunting or overwhelming challenge, but the truth is that it really doesn’t have to be! This month, we are focusing on all the simple ways there are to stress less and to kick us off I brought on founder of Vibrant You Coaching, Nancy Smith, to give us a few pointers on how we can start stressing less by using our…

How to Manage Illness While Creating a Successful Business

How to Manage Illness While Creating a Successful Business

While there are a lot of reasons we may want to work less, one important reason is one we don’t always talk about: Illness. Chronic illness is something that affects a lot more of us than we realize. Whether it’s physical or mental, chronic illness has the potential to seriously impact our personal and professional lives; and when we are entrepreneurs trying to build a business, a chronic illness can feel like an impossible obstacle to overcome. But it’s not. I brought founder of the Solopreneur Academy, Sue Allen Clayton, back on The Stress Less Show, to give us some tips for managing illness and a successful business!

How to Be More Efficient in Your Career

How to Be More Efficient in Your Career

Happy New Year on The Stress Less Show! It is our first episode of the new year and the new decade and we are kicking our productivity into high gear this month by learning new tips on how to work less while achieving more! In this week’s episode, I am so excited to have executive coach, Erin Owen, back on the show to share some of her tried and true tips on how to be more efficient in our careers…

How to Get Ahead in Your Career As An Introvert

How to Get Ahead in Your Career As An Introvert

Often, it seems as if we live in an extroverted world, especially when it comes to our jobs. When we think about CEOs, managers and business leaders, we think of charismatic and energetic individuals who can strike up a conversation with everyone they meet. So when it comes to getting ahead in our careers, it can often feel like an uphill battle if we are not extroverted. That’s why I am so glad that founder of Boldly Quiet Consulting, Lorraine McCamley, came on this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show to help all of the introverts out there get ahead in their professional lives…

How to Cope with Tight Deadlines

How to Cope with Tight Deadlines

We’ve all been in this situation. You show up to work and your boss hands you 3 painstakingly time-consuming projects that all have to be somehow finished by tomorrow. The month of May has been all about the stress of Job Pressure on The Stress Less Show, and there is nothing quite as stressful as facing a tight deadline at work. It can feel impossible to know how to deal with the stress of tight deadlines in a healthy way, and no unfortunately, snacking nervously does not count as dealing. That is why I brought Rachel Sheerin, international keynote speaker and Certified Behavioral Analyst, on this week’s episode to talk about her own story dealing with tight deadlines…

How To Reduce Your Heavy Workload

How To Reduce Your Heavy Workload

Busy is the new status symbol - how many of us can relate to that idea? We talked a little bit about the dangers of busy culture last week on the Stress Less Show, but there is a lot more to unpack here if we are going to start letting go of the pressure we put on ourselves at work. Ensuring that you are working a reasonable amount of hours is a great step, but I know what you are probably thinking: How can I cut back on the hours I work when I have so much work to get done?? Managing a heavy workload is tough, and so this week I brought freelance digital marketing strategist, Sarah DeGeorge, on the show to share some of her tips for dealing with a heavy workload…

How To Stop Working Long Hours

How To Stop Working Long Hours

Hello May! It is mental health awareness month and on the Stress Less Show this month, we are talking about one of the top stressors for people in the United States. I'm willing to bet that this stressor has probably impacted your mental health at some point in your own life - I know it has for me. Yes, this month we are talking about job pressure! To start off this month’s topic this week, I decided to bring on the show, Sue Allen Clayton, the founder of the Serene Solopreneur to discuss how working long hours contributes to the pressure we feel about our jobs, careers and businesses…

What Sets You Apart From the Rest? [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 7]

What Sets You Apart From the Rest? [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 7]

Oh my goodness, I am so grateful that we've made it to episode seven of The Stress-Less Career Show! Last week, we had a great conversation with personal stylist, Susan Padron. She gave us phenomenal tips on how to ensure that the way we dress aligns with our personal brand. This week, we're continuing February's theme of personal branding by talking about something you have likely been trying to avoid.

At the end of the day, your personal brand is your reputation. It's what people think of when they think of you. What I really want you to think about this week is how your quirky characteristics and…

How Your Style Plays Into Your Personal Brand [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 6]

How Your Style Plays Into Your Personal Brand [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 6]

The Stress-Less Career Show had its very first guest this week! I told you last week that I couldn’t wait to talk about how your personal style influences your personal brand and that is because I brought in someone very special to discuss style and branding with me. Susan Padron is a personal stylist here in Philadelphia and she is absolutely amazing at what she does, working with countless clients to help them define their personal style. As I have mentioned in the last couple episodes, your personal brand goes beyond just the basics - your website, your social media, etc. - it includes every part of how you show up in the world. Since February is all about personal branding, I thought…

Digging Deeper Into Your Personal Brand [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 5]

Branding, branding, branding! This month, we have been talking about personal branding on The Stress-Less Career Show and how your personal brand plays into finding work you love and having the career that you've always dreamed of. Last week, we talked about how core values are the foundation of your personal brand. This week, I really want to talk about a new way of thinking about your personal brand. I want you to think about your personal brand as a TV show. I hear you now: Carlee, what does that mean? Well…

What is the Foundation of Your Personal Brand? [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 4]

We're on a fourth episode of the Stress-Less Career Show and I'm super super excited to be back with you for this month’s topic. It's the beginning of February and we are going to focus in on your personal brand, how your personal brand plays into your career and why it is important. Today, we're going to start with something that I believe personally is the foundation of your personal brand and that is your core values as a person, as an employee - and if you own a business - your core values for your business as well…

How to Create an Annual Plan That Doesn't Freak You Out [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 3]

Welcome to the third episode of the Stress-Less Career Show. I'm super super excited that we made it to episode number three! If you haven't seen the last two episodes, I highly encourage you to go back and watch them. Our first week we talked about intention. The second week we talked last week we talked about your purpose versus your calling. Today, we're going to be talking about the importance of planning. I'm sure you have heard this saying time and time again: if you fail to plan you plan to fail. Now that January is over, I cannot stress enough that…

Determining Your Purpose VS. Your Calling [The Stress-Less Career Show - Episode 2]

Welcome to the second episode of my brand new show, The Stress-Less Career show. Each week, I will be talking about career, how do we manage stress in our career, and how do we be more strategic about it. So tune in or keep reading below for this week’s dose of The Stress-Less Career Show! This month, we have been talking all about purposeful planning. Last week, we focused on setting intentions in your career and why it is so important when you start planning for your year and beyond. This week’s episode is also related to that big picture view we…

Why Setting Intentions for the Year is Key to Your Success [The Stress Less Career Show - Episode 1]

I hope you guys are as excited as I am today! I have just released the very first Episode of The Stress-Less Career Show and I am so glad it is finally here. I teased last week that this first month of the year, my brand new show about being your best self in your career would begin by discussing planning so that we can all start 2019 feeling confident and excited about what this new year has in store for us. So we are kicking off The Stress-Less Career Show by talking about the first step in planning: setting intentions.

New Year, New Show! Announcing The Stress Less Career Show

Happy New Year! I am super excited because we have finally said Bye Felicia to 2018 and 2019 is here and happening. However, that is not the only reason why I am excited. If you have followed me over the years, you have seen me evolve from a budding YouTuber to a business owner. I’ve gone through so many changes, but the one thing that has stayed consistent is…

Get Ahead This Holiday Season!

I found myself at the gym this past week and I noticed something there that I think is so important for all of us out there who are looking to be more successful in our lives and careers. I usually go to the gym early in the morning and see tons of people working out. Typically, my gym is pretty packed at all times, so I’m used to walking into a pretty busy gym each morning. This time, however, my gym was a ghost town. I had noticed that I had been seeing almost no one at the gym for several days and so when I walked in and saw no one in the gym that morning, I had a realization about what makes successful people so successful.

What are the things that can set us apart as successful people and business owners? What makes some people more successful in relationships? What can we do to be that successful in our lives? Well, what I realized in the gym that morning is actually very simple. My gym has become a ghost town recently because it is the holiday season and this is the time of year when so many of us just kind of give up on our goals. We stop going to the gym, throw out our healthy meals and unbutton our pants to eat all of the holiday food we want. We push all of our professional goals out of our mind, let them fall to the side and tell ourselves that we’ll come back to them in the new year. It’s the holidays, I get it, but here’s the thing. Now is the perfect time to get ahead of the competition.

You have a unique opportunity at this time of the year when everyone else is slowing down to ramp it into high gear and do the best you can to beat out everyone else who is taking a break. If you are searching for a new job and haven’t looked at your resume and cover letter in a while, now is the time to sit down and update them. If you want to start your own business and get out of cubicle land, now is the time to start developing a clear plan.

This is the time to start doing the things that everyone else is giving up on for the next few weeks like going to the gym. No one is going to the gym right now. You can spend as long as you want on any machine without worrying about anyone else and have a much better time working out than you will next month when everyone is trying to work on their fitness New Year’s resolutions. The same is true for all of your professional goals. Now is the time to start preparing behind the scenes. Apply for open jobs if you can or get to know your cover letter and resume inside and out. Do whatever you can to work towards those career goals so that when everyone else comes back to the grind in January, you are already ahead of the game.

A lot of people spend December completely in vacation mode and that is important. We all need to take a break and recover when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. However, there is a reason why I was able to quit my job and work full time for myself. When everyone else is chilling out, I am still working hard to set myself up for the next year. I know that so many of you reading this right now have been dreaming of making a real and positive impact in the world. Taking this time off your 9 to 5 job will push you ahead of the game so that you can start your dream business or career and make a true difference in the world. If you want to set yourself apart from everyone else and be more successful, be the person that speeds up instead of slows down this holiday season.

If you need help starting 2019 off on the right foot, sign up for a complimentary clarity session with me here. Together, we will discuss where you’re at, where you’re going, what’s getting in the way and start developing a clear path towards work you love!

What's On Your Tray This Holiday Season?

The weather is cold, the stores are packed and the sleigh bells are ringing. Yep, it is definitely the holiday season! This time of year can be filled with good tidings and cheer, but it can also bring a huge heaping pile of stress in our lives. With that in mind, I wanted to share with you an analogy that will help you understand just why you may find yourself feeling like a bit of a scrooge this time of year.

For this analogy, I want you to go back to your school days in your mind. Think back to middle school or high school when you would have to buy lunch from the cafeteria. You would walk in line, grab a tray and start piling on all the different things you wanted to have for lunch. Then, you would carefully carry it over to a table to eat everything. I want you to remember that feeling of balancing your lunch tray because that is what we are doing every day with all the different parts of our lives - especially during the holidays.

Think about everything you have on your tray right now. Usually, you have a plate full of work responsibilities on one side and another plate for family obligations. With the holidays upon us however, you might find an extra side dish of holiday preparations on one side of your tray. Maybe your work plate is beginning to overflow as your boss adds on a scoop of tasks that need to get done before the end of the year. Maybe your family plate is the one that is filling up as relatives from all over fly in to celebrate the holidays. Add another side dish here for friends and another for office parties and before you know it, things are just about to spill off your tray and into a messy pile on the ground.

When we let those work obligations or family responsibilities on our tray fill up too much, our tray starts to feel heavy or lopsided. We get so overwhelmed by all of the plates we are carrying during the holidays that we spend all our energy on just getting everything done and we completely miss out on the holiday joy and spirit. The closest we come to feeling Christmas cheer is stress eating a holiday doughnut because that one relative we really don’t want to see insists on hosting the family get together this year. Now we are not only missing out on the holiday spirit, but we are also not taking care of ourselves and our personal goals.

So I encourage you to take a moment to look at what is on your tray right now. It can help to even draw out a visual of what your tray looks like. Take a piece of paper and draw a big rectangle on it. This is your tray. Now ask yourself, what is on your tray right now? What are you carrying emotionally and psychologically? A good starting point might be to draw a plate for work and a plate for family - your traditional work life balance. From there, start thinking about all of the extra side dishes you may have added on your tray and draw those. What is causing you stress right now? What is making your tray feel heavy and unbalanced?

Taking a look at what you are carrying on your tray in life will give you a clear indicator on what you can let go of and what you can shift around on your life for more balance. You can look at the tray you have drawn out and identify what things on your plates you can possibly put on someone else’s tray who has more space. Asking for help - especially during the holidays - is the best thing that you can do for yourself so that you can feel balanced and really approach the holidays with a positive and merry spirit. ‘Tis the season after all!

If you are having trouble figuring out how to manage your time, I want to help you learn how to create a plan that you can use to make sure you have time for yourself and your career goals. That is why I am doing my planning workshop, Quit Your Job: An Intensive Workshop for the Aspiring Entrepreneur, tomorrow at 6:30pm at United By Blue. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop an actionable 90 Day plan to help you achieve all the goals you have for starting a new business that supports you. Learn more and sign up by clicking this link. I hope to see you there!