
How to Take the Steps to Financial Freedom

How to Take the Steps to Financial Freedom

We have spent the past three weeks on The Stress-Less Show talking about how to manage your debt, budget and money mindset because let’s face it, money can be a touchy subject for a lot of us. We all wish we could live a life where money was not something that we had to worry about all the time. That’s why I brought on money expert Kristy Runzer of OnRoute Financial to share some tips on how to start working towards financial freedom…

How to Start and Stick to Budgeting

How to Start and Stick to Budgeting

This week on the Stress-Less Show, we are talking about Budgeting. I know, your head may still be spinning from all the numbers you spent pouring over on tax day, but now is a perfect time to start crafting a budget that you can stick to so that tax season is a little less stressful. Money Mindset Expert and Certified CPA, Mala Dukhi of Wise Women Smart Money, is back on the show to talk all about how and why to start budgeting.

Let’s be honest: Budgeting is not most people’s idea of a good time. It requires taking a look at your bank accounts and debts and unfortunately, that makes it really easy for most of us to just avoid altogether. Mala noted that “Most people that I've talked to avoid looking at their numbers and the more you avoid the more anxiety and stress you're going to have. So…

How to Shift Your Money Mindset

How to Shift Your Money Mindset

Did you know that 79% percent of women surveyed listed money as a top stressor for them? That’s a lot of us women worrying about the same thing! I know from personal experience and from talking with clients and friends that we all have some form of anxiety or worry at money at some point in our lives. That’s why this month on The Stress-Less Show, we are going to be talking about all things money so that you can start to manage your money stress - instead of it managing you!

Since this month is all about money, I decided to bring my friend and money mindset expert Mala Dukhi of Wise Women Smart Money to share her tools for transforming the way we think about money and feeling more in control of the way we feel about our financial situation. She had so many great ideas for changing your money mindset and my favorite tip that she shared is…