How to Improve Your Sexual Satisfaction

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When was the last time you really thought about your sexual satisfaction? Particularly among women in our society, sex can be a pretty big taboo to discuss. Many of us can be so used to ignoring our sexual needs and health altogether that we may even feel ashamed of connecting to this part of ourselves. But the reality is that health is a major stressor in the US and tending to our sexual health and satisfaction is a critical component of truly feeling our best. So let’s talk about it! This week, I sat down with the owner of VSPOT Philadelphia, Paula Di Marco Young, to start this conversation and share how taking care of your sexual health can help you feel your best in and out. 

I am always so excited to talk to Paula because she has been doing so much great work in helping women take control of their sexuality and health. Paula and I first connected through the Self(ish) Philly conference where she blew us all away with her expertise on our pleasure panel. Co-owning Young Medical Spas with her husband, she has been tending to and assisting women in looking their best for over 17 years. However, it was through partnering up with VSPOT Medi Spa in NYC to open VSPOT Philadelphia that Paula got to offer vaginal and sexual health services that can go beyond simply looking better.

It’s great to look good, but if you don’t feel well, these issues interfere with your relationships, with your mental health, with your self-esteem, [and] how you feel as a woman.
— Paula Di Marco Young

With a wide range of treatments and services, Paula and her team are working with women to address issues like urinary incontinence, painful sex, and low libido - all of which can be difficult experiences and symptoms to disclose and admit to. However, the key takeaway Paula had to share with me through her years in this work is that there is absolutely no need to feel ashamed of our sexual health and sex lives. 

Connecting to our sexuality and advocating for our vaginal health is just as necessary as any other part of our physical health. It is a basic need! Yet we often are too afraid of judgment to have these conversations. However, as we begin to seek out safe places and individuals like Paula and her team at VSPOT Philadelphia as well as allow ourselves to get honest and curious about our sexual satisfaction, we can revitalize and rejuvenate ourselves inside and out for a more empowered way to live.