
How to Manage Media Overload For A Good Night’s Sleep

How to Manage Media Overload For A Good Night’s Sleep

Up all night scrolling through Instagram? Firing off one last work email from under the covers? Watching that last episode of your fave Netflix show at 3 AM? We’ve all been there! These days our phones, computers, TVs, and more take up a huge portion of our days - whether its for work or for pleasure - and all that social media and screen time can start to overwhelm us if we let it go unchecked. This month, we are talking about media overload and how we can keep it from impacting our time, our emotions, and our health! To kick things off, I brought sleep experts and the founders of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Associates, licensed psychologist Jacqueline D. Kloss, Ph.D., and physician Amanda Swain, M.D., back onto the show to shed some light on how media overload can impact our sleep and what we can do about it…

How to Have Healthier Sleep Practices

How to Have Healthier Sleep Practices

Trouble sleeping, anyone? We all know we need those eight hours of shut-eye. Sleep is crucial for both our mental and physical health. However, especially in today’s busy and uncertain world, many of us are losing sleep night after night and it can be tough to know where to begin in changing our sleep habits for the better. That is why I have brought on The Stress Less Show, founders of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Associates, licensed psychologist Jacqueline D. Kloss, Ph.D., and physician Amanda Swain, M.D., to share their expertise with us so we can start to build healthy habits for bedtime…

How to Tap Into the Power of Lucid Dreaming

How to Tap Into the Power of Lucid Dreaming

Dreams are mysterious things. They can be funny, embarrassing, heartbreaking, and even terrifying; but how many of us really understand what is really going on with our dreams? We have been talking about physical heath on The Stress Less Show this month and getting enough sleep is a huge part of taking care of our health. However, sometimes our dreams get in the way of our ability to get a full night’s rest. The fear, worry and maybe even trauma from our waking life seeps into our subconscious and manifests in night terrors and nightmares. That is why I brought on the creator of the app Dream Catcher, Evan Stites-Clayton, to share how lucid dreaming can be a powerful tool we can put in our toolbox to deal with our dreams and nightmares…