
How to Break Free From the Same Old Stories [The Stress Less Show - Episode 94]

How to Break Free From the Same Old Stories [The Stress Less Show - Episode 94]

Are you being kind to yourself? For many of us, it is so easy to be our own biggest critic. When it comes to others in our lives, we can extend love, grace, and compassion to them. However, with ourselves, we tend to only focus on our faults and weak spots. In this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show, founder and owner of Your Story Matters, Ally Rose, and I are bringing awareness to the stories and thoughts we have about ourselves so we can start to shift our perspective to a healthier and more empowering mindset…

How to Feel Safe and Loved in Your Relationships [The Stress Less Show - Episode 93]

How to Feel Safe and Loved in Your Relationships [The Stress Less Show - Episode 93]

How loved do you feel in your relationships? And I’m not just talking about your romantic ones. Cultivating a sense of love and belonging in our lives with the people we spend time with is a basic need. Humans are social creatures after all! In this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show, holistic psychotherapist, Laura Brown and I are diving deep into what it means to really build relationships that are healthy and open so that we can feel loved and secure with the people we care about.

What Patterns Are Showing Up In Your Love Life? [The Stress Less Show - Episode 86]

What Patterns Are Showing Up In Your Love Life? [The Stress Less Show - Episode 86]

Tired of getting stuck in the same kind of relationships over and over again? It happens to the best of us! We keep dating the wrong people, having the same arguments, worrying about the same things. All the while, that negative little voice in our head keeps trying to convince us that a happy and fulfilling love life just isn’t in the cards for us… Well, guess what? That little voice is wrong (of course!) and love and relationship coach Jimmy Allen is here to share his experience in letting go of the roadblocks that appeared in his own love life and discuss how our past relationships can be the key to identifying what we need to do to shift into a new perspective on ourselves and our relationships!

How to Manage a Financially Draining Divorce [The Stress Less Show - Episode 85]

How to Manage a Financially Draining Divorce [The Stress Less Show - Episode 85]

Divorce and money. Two topics not many of us are itching to talk about, but let’s face it. Divorce can be really freaking stressful, a financial nightmare; and for many out there, going through a divorce or contemplating one can make you feel completely on your own with these feelings. Well, the good news is you are not alone! In this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show, I brought on Catherine Shanahan and Karen Chellew of My Divorce Solution to talk about their top tips for managing a financially draining divorce from a place of strength and clarity.

How to Create Healthier Relationships [The Stress Less Show - Episode 84]

How to Create Healthier Relationships [The Stress Less Show - Episode 84]

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your relationship skills? Building strong relationships in our lives can be a challenge for many of us, but fortunately, it is NOT impossible! Licensed Psychotherapist Kira Yakubov is joining me on this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show to share her tips on how to create AND sustain healthy relationships that are supportive, loving and fulfilling!

How to Reconnect After The Kids Leave [The Stress Less Show - Episode 83]

How to Reconnect After The Kids Leave [The Stress Less Show - Episode 83]

The kids have grown up and moved out. What now?? Coping with an empty nest can affect our lives in many different ways, but it can also have major impacts on our relationship with our partner. Reconnecting with our significant other and evolving our relationship isn’t always easy. Fortunately, Life Coach, author, and host of In The Nest, Jodi Silverman, is joining me on this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show to share her tips on how to rediscover and rekindle the relationship you have with your partner as you adjust to life with an empty nest.

How to Stick Together When You’re Apart [The Stress Less Show - Episode 82]

How to Stick Together When You’re Apart [The Stress Less Show - Episode 82]

Keeping the relationship between you and your partner strong can be tough, but add hundreds or thousands of miles in between you two and it can be even tougher! Long-distance relationships come with their own set of challenges, but the good news is with the right tools and mindset, your relationship can be strong enough to withstand any number of miles. In this week’s episode of the Stress Less Show, psychologist and relationship coach, Kristina Reihl, is here to help you and your partner strengthen your bond and remain together apart!

How to Find Yourself [The Stress Less Show - Episode 26]

How to Find Yourself [The Stress Less Show - Episode 26]

Join me on episode 26 of The Stress Less Show where Personal Coach, Sofia Lloyd, and I discuss how your relationship with yourself impacts your relationship with others and how to strengthen your relationship with yourself.