Dealing with Stress After Loss

Dealing with Stress After Loss

Have you ever found yourself exhausted? Like straight up physically, emotionally, and maybe even spiritually exhausted?

Loss can do that.

Loss can make us feel so exhausted, foggy, and in emotional pain that it seems like we can't dig ourselves out of the hole we somehow fell in…

Design Your Life with a Flexible Planning Process

Design Your Life with a Flexible Planning Process

It's that time again! Time for me to sit down, connect in and create a plan for the next few months.

Planning is the best and the worst of things - am I right?
Let's look at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition for a second:

Plan (verb): to arrange the parts of : design

For someone who has experienced loss, it can be SO easy to use a plan to sabotage ourselves.
Hear me out...

BIG Things Are Coming to the Stress Less Company!

BIG Things Are Coming to the Stress Less Company!

I am really excited to update you on my new direction as an Emotional Sobriety Coach at The Stress Less Company!

As you may know, over the last 5 years I've been working with professionals across the US to manage their stress.

Today, I'm excited to announce that…

How Serotonin Impacts Our Stress Response

How Serotonin Impacts Our Stress Response

As you might know, I love referring to the dictionary for everyday terminology.

This week?

Cabin Fever (noun): irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter.
Source: Oxford Languages Dictionary

Yep, cabin fever. This is something that comes up often this time of year…

Rewiring Perception

Rewiring Perception

Did you know that, according to A Course in Miracles, a miracle is defined as a shift in perception?

That's because a simple shift in perception can dramatically change your life for the better.

Let me share a key formula to help illustrate this...

Expert Interviews Series! with Hélène T. Stelian

Expert Interviews Series! with Hélène T. Stelian

Generally, stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources that individual is able to mobilize. In other words, stress is...

Transitioning Into And Out Of Time Off

Transitioning Into And Out Of Time Off

It's 2022. We made it!

Thank God - am I right?

As we transition from new year celebrations back into the day to day grind, I want to share with you a simple tip that's been my saving grace time and time again...

It's called the buffer zone..

The Power of the Mind

The Power of the Mind

I've been doing some thinking lately about the power of the mind.

The mind's power to truly make us...

...or break us.

Over the last few weeks I've had a few calls with folks interested in joining my Emotional Freedom Training Programs and I can't help but notice a pattern...

Calming the Nervous System with Nature

Calming the Nervous System with Nature

Two weeks ago I went hunting for the first time with my dad.

I had been preparing for this experience for MONTHS - taking the hunter's safety course, going to the range to zero in the scope on my rifle, practicing my shot for even more accuracy, getting my hunting license, gear and more…

Manage Your Stress Response

Manage Your Stress Response

Did I ever share with you the reason I got into Stress Management?

I'm going to warn you from the gate that this is a heavy story that could trigger you *and* I still think it's important to share.

When I was 12 years old, my mom's ex-boyfriend broke into my childhood home...

Powerful Knowledge of Herbs & Plants

Powerful Knowledge of Herbs & Plants

Okay my mind is absolutely blown.

I just found out that hostas...

Yeah, HOSTAS - the pretty green plant that grows in gardens across the US... are edible!

This has been a long time coming..

This has been a long time coming..

I've been thinking a lot lately about the power of social media. Perhaps it's because Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp went down the other week... or maybe this has been a long time coming...

But regardless, I've been thinking about the positive and negative impacts that it has had on my life, my business, and so much more…

Losing Access To Effective Problem Solving Skills

Losing Access To Effective Problem Solving Skills

Did you know that one of the first things to go out the window when we are stressed is our ability to access effective critical thinking?

This means we can't effectively…

You better work, b*tch.

You better work, b*tch.

Brace yourself, as I'm going to drop a mental bomb on you. A bomb that used to keep me in the stress cycle and drive me to madness.

It's the oh too common (conscious or subconscious) belief that...

Work On The Brain...

Work On The Brain...

Ever wonder why you have trouble putting work down at the end of the day? Or struggle to let go of work related thoughts once your workday is done?

It could be that this work is your soul's purpose.

AND, it could also be that you're trying to avoid…

Thank You

Thank You

Saturday was my 29th birthday, can you believe it?

In many ways I feel old and wise beyond my years and in many other ways I feel like a toddler still learning to walk. The experience of life and age is interesting, huh?

Regardless, I want to thank you…

'stuck' is a weird word, huh?

'stuck' is a weird word, huh?

"Stuck" is an interesting word, isn't it?

I don't know if you've noticed, but it's certainly been thrown around a lot lately.

In my personal and professional experience being 'stuck' boils down to two things...

Why Managing Your Energy is KEY

Why Managing Your Energy is KEY

The world that we live in today is an interesting one, huh?

Can you feel the (weird) energy of it?

I can't help but resonate with a video I saw recently.

In the video, the man referenced this weird state of the world. He spoke about how we all seem to be waiting on something…

Leaving Someone On Read

Leaving Someone On Read

Time certainly is an interesting thing, isn't it?

I know it's only been one week since I last wrote you and yet for some reason it feels like it's been forever.

Maybe it's because of the weekend or the fact that time really does fly when you're having fun or maybe it's…

Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned

As your mentor, friend and colleague, I have to be real with you.

As you may know, I teach business owners who struggle with leaving work at work to put themselves first so that they can make the deep impact they are meant to make on the world.

I teach business owners to do this all while…