Why Managing Your Energy is KEY

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The world that we live in today is an interesting one, huh?

Can you feel the (weird) energy of it?

I can't help but resonate with a video I saw recently.

In the video, the man referenced this weird state of the world. He spoke about how we all seem to be waiting on something even though we don't know exactly what we're waiting for.

Some, perhaps, are waiting for the other shoe to drop, others for life to go back to normal, others for something entirely different...

This massive uncertainty has created a wonky energy in our communities, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries and the world at large.

Can you feel the energy?

I've seen more employees and leaders stand up for their true selves and desires than ever before in the workforce. I've seen others hiding. I've seen others panicking.

And, let's be real, at this point, I've seen a lot of different ways that this has played out through the behavior of others and myself.

Perhaps this is directly related to the vast majority of the population reaching their surge capacity. Remember that article that came out a few months into the pandemic?

Perhaps this energy doesn't have as much to do with something outside of ourselves as we thought.

MAYBE part of this wonky worldwide energy right now is due to the fact that our bodies are physically incapable of remaining 'on alert' or in 'fight, flight, freeze or fawn' mode for almost 2 years straight.

MAYBE this wonky energy is telling us that we, collectively, are TIRED and desperately need to activate our parasympathetic nervous systems (rest & digest mode) so we can HEAL.

MAYBE this wonky energy is a sign - a massive cultural and societal alert - that self-care is not something to put off and that burnout and surge capacity isn't something to take lightly.

Managing my energy has been a game changer for me during my time on this planet, but especially throughout the last two years.

Managing my energy allowed me to navigate these weird times with more GRACE than I could have ever imagined possible.

Managing my energy - while sometimes trying - has made the difference between interacting with the world from a place of love versus interacting with the world from a place of fear and judgement.

Managing my energy was and is KEY for my sanity, for my happiness, for my relationships, for my business and so much more.

This is why I decided to share a training with my clients a few months back called Why Managing Your Energy is KEY and it's something so important that I've decided to share it with you as well for FREE.

So if you're struggling or are curious how managing your energy could impact you, click here to enter your email and instantly receive this FREE, heartfelt audio training (valued at $247+) from my heart to yours.

I promise you, it's worth it.

Hugs and love,