You better work, b*tch.

Brace yourself, as I'm going to drop a mental bomb on you. A bomb that used to keep me in the stress cycle and drive me to madness.

It's the oh too common (conscious or subconscious) belief that...

"In order to make more money, you have to work harder."

When I first started my business, I bought into the hustle mindset.

In the words of Rihanna, "Work, work, work, work, work."

Or in the words of Brittany, "You better work, b*tch."

Yeah, you get the point. I believed that in order to get what I want (or more of what I wanted) that I needed to put in more long, grueling hours.

So I did.

And, my business somehow managed to, wait for it, make no more money than I had the year before.

What gives?


Lack of energy (and too much energy) - showed potential clients that I was not aligned.

I mean who wants to work with someone who is overworked, exhausted and disparate?

Not many of us.

So this is your friendly reminder that you DON'T have to work harder in order to manifest what you most desire.

What you do need to do is manage your energy so you can...

"Work Smarter, NOT harder."

Want to learn more about how to find more peace and freedom in your life and biz? Click here to read more.

In your corner,