Powerful Knowledge of Herbs & Plants

Okay my mind is absolutely blown.

I just found out that hostas...

Yeah, HOSTAS - the pretty green plant that grows in gardens across the US.

...are EDIBLE! :o

My mind is literally blown.

Here I thought I was buying my first unpractical plant for the front of my house (I've always enjoyed growing edibles more than flowers) and it turns out my intuition led me to a 'shrub' that is, indeed, edible.

I'm in awe and SO GIDDY to try it.

Apparently, hostas are "cousins" to asparagus. The shoots of the stem being most like asparagus and the leaves being like a slightly bitter lettuce. As with most lettuce varieties the younger the shoot/leaves, the more tasty.

And it turns out hostas are an excellent source of a number of minerals important to human nutrition (though I've read that they are toxic to dogs, cats and horses, so slow down, soldier).

Still, my mind is giddy with excitement with this new information. Mother Earth certainly is abundant and here to support us at every turn.

One thing I'm excited to share with you is that I'm currently working to infuse powerful knowledge just like this into my programs...

Powerful knowledge of herbs and plants that will support my clients in calming and regulating their nervous systems naturally so they can experience more peace and freedom than ever before by simply regulating a physiological response in the body.

This is a key part of the very first step of my signature Stress Less Method - Managing Your Energy (or, in other words, managing your physiological stress response).

When it comes to energy management, the world is your oyster.

Your energy management practice is and will be unique to you.

Energy management could look like playing with your dog, creating PowerPoint presentations (believe it or not, my bestie LOVES doing this), doing more 'traditional' energy management practices like meditation or yoga, and, yes, it could look like sipping a beautiful medicinal and healing herbal tea in the morning.

It doesn't matter what it is that you do to manage your energy, it just matters that it does it's job to calm down that physiological stress response. To 'flip the switch' in your body to prevent it from pumping unneeded adrenaline into your bloodstream and activate your 'rest & digest mode.'

Don't know where to start? That's okay!

I'd love to support you in taking the first step to experiencing more peace and freedom in your life by hopping on a complimentary call with you. It really would be my deepest pleasure to learn more about you and be of service.

So, if you're intrigued or your feeling called, apply for a complimentary discovery call with me here to explore what your journey to peace and freedom is meant to look like.

For the sweet love of hostas,