Finding Your Spiritual Connection

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Are you spiritually curious but there's some resistance? Look, I’ve been there! I was raised in a good christian family. When I was growing up, my dad wanted to be a pastor so he read his bible every day. He was even a part of the choir. 

We went to church. Every Sunday. I went to Sunday school. Every Sunday. We even went to church multiple nights a week - INCLUDING Sunday! 

In church, I was taught that anytime something was going wrong you could turn to God and just pray for support. But then I went through a serious trauma, and I realized very quickly that praying was just not enough. 

I found myself in this cycle: I’d pray to God only to not get answers time and time again. When the prayers weren’t getting answered, I thought, “well there must not be anything to this.” I mean, where the EFF was God!? 

So I started to shut out spirituality. I was angry. BOY, was I angry... And that began a pattern of spiritual resistance. 

Fast forward 10 - 15 years, and now I have a great spiritual relationship. 

But what changed? What REALLY changed? 

Well, I created a new relationship with spirituality. One that served me. I started by asking myself important questions like, where do I feel most spiritually connected? For me, the answer was usually somewhere surrounded by nature. Or dogs! 

Then, I asked myself, what version of a higher power resonates for me? Where do I feel most safe? Most supported? I got answers for those too. They weren't always very traditional answers. But you know what? That’s okay! 

So I invite you to explore your relationship to spirituality. Do you need to heal your relationship to it? What do you think that process of healing looks like? Where do YOU feel most spiritually connected? 

Healing your spiritual relationship doesn’t mean you have to return back to what you believed in 25 years ago or even 2 months ago! It just means being open to what might serve you now - right here in this moment.