spiritual connection

Sharing My Own Spiritual Journey

Sharing My Own Spiritual Journey

Let’s check in. This month, we’ve been talking about spirituality on the show, and I know that can be a difficult or even scary subject for a lot of us.

We all have our own unique lived experience with spirituality, religion, God, you name it… In this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show, I shared a little about my own journey with spirituality - how I’ve felt abandoned by God and how I’ve reconnected to a sense of spiritual connection…

Finding Your Spiritual Connection

Finding Your Spiritual Connection

Are you spiritually curious but there's some resistance? Look, I’ve been there! I was raised in a good christian family. When I was growing up, my dad wanted to be a pastor so he read his bible every day. He was even a part of the choir.

We went to church. Every Sunday…