Finding Your Spiritual Connection [The Stress Less Show - Episode 95]

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Carlee (00:01):

Are you spiritually curious, but you have your reservations? Look, I've been there done that. If you are, if you are spiritually curious and you have your reservations, you are in the right place. Don't worry. Now I'm Carlee Meyers. I'm your friendly stress management expert. And this month we're talking about spiritual or even religious trauma. This is a really important part of my own journey. The very first step in The Stress Less Method. Step number one is to deepen your spiritual understanding, whatever that means to you. And thinking about this, I brought on an incredible expert. Tiffaney Whipple, Tiffaney Whipple is an educator and entrepreneur. And recently she stepped out into the world to share one of her gifts, astrology. So welcome to the show, Tiffaney.

Tiffaney (00:54):

Oh well, thank you, Carlee.

Carlee (00:58):

Absolutely. I'm just wanting to point out that you guys can't see our video, but we are here on zoom. And when I was reading Tiffany's bio, I added a few little things and you should have seen her eyes get nice and big and response. I loved it. So, um, Tiffany, you know, I know we, you know, you, you and I go really back really far back a couple of years now. And, um, I've followed your journey and I think this is a really, really wonderful, I don't want to call it a pivot that word's been kind of overused, but a really beautiful direction that you've headed in. So I'm curious for those of us who don't know you, how did you end up here? Like what brought you to the world of astrology?

Tiffaney (01:43):

Well, Carlee I have always loved astrology. I would get the books and, you know, sit there and learn myself. I'd love to have conversations around it. And eventually I got to the point where I was like, okay, I need to do this. You know, especially, you know, in the pandemic where we were kind of sitting at home, like, Oh, what do I have to do? So, um, I took a course and actually everything just kinda came together and made perfect sense. And so now I'm sharing that gift with the world. Now what gave me pause before were several excuses, one I'm working a nine to five job. I got too much to do well. That was not the case anymore. And then the other excuse was fear. I was scared that I would be judged as this crazy lady and like, Oh, that's devil worship or that type of thing. And I had to get past that and realize, you know what, no, it's not, and I'm here and I'm doing it.

Carlee (02:38):

I love that. I love that. Um, okay. So we're talking, you know, in talking about, you know, spiritual or religious trauma, you know, this was a really important topic for me because one of the reasons I ended up being stressed for so long is because I had a religious experience with religion. And that was, I would say traumatic. Like I felt when I was struggling with PTSD, I was praying every day and it was like crickets. I was like, where, where is this spiritual entity? Where is that? And so I know that I was not the only one, but as a result of that, I shut out spirituality for 15 years. I was like, screw this. It's not going to work.

Tiffaney (03:28):


Carlee (03:29):

And so I wanted to have you on the show to help those that might be in that situation or even folks that are feeling a little spiritual, but they don't know exactly where to go. They're like spiritually curious. Um, so I know that, you know, this is something new for you. You, you like you just shared, there was a bit of fear around it around exploring this. Um, so what do you recommend for someone who, you know, it doesn't have to be as extreme as my story, but someone who's spiritually curious, but they're, they're a little nervous. There's a little bit of fear there.

Tiffaney (04:04):

Um, I would say, and, and I know this sounds like it, it may sound cliche, but it's like, you have to go within. And I believe that, you know, there is a spiritual practice that is ideal for each individual person. And it's about finding out what that is. And so some people, they like to meditate. Some people like to pray. Some people like to exercise to actually have that spiritual practice. And for me, it's about opening up to the higher power, whatever that higher power may be for you. Some people call it God, some people call it the universe. Um, but whatever that is, but you gotta tap into yourself and you have to be very, um, confident in knowing that you're not a crazy person and the messages that you're receiving.

Carlee (04:51):

Yeah. So I'm curious, what is that, what did that look like for you? Like when you tapped within and how did it manifest itself for you?

Tiffaney (05:02):

Um, for me, I had, it's so funny because I started out trying meditation years ago, years ago and I would fall asleep. And so it was like, I had to keep at it and find what worked for me. I don't really, um, I can do them, but I don't really like the guided meditation. I just like to turn on that calm, soft, soothing music, and then just like close my eyes, begin to breathe. And then I just let the information come in. That's what works for me. Um, and then also if I'm not laying down that can't lay down because it gets too comfortable and I fall asleep.

Carlee (05:38):

Yeah, yeah,

Tiffaney (05:43):

Yeah. Cause some of them they'll say, Oh, you can lay down. I'm like, no, not me. I'm going to go to sleep because I'm just that relaxed. But, um, that's what works for me. And so sometimes I get ideas that come to me and I know that it's, it's like this, my spirit guides that are with me. Okay. This is where you need to go. This is what you need to do. And I get some pretty cool stuff and I'm like, thank you. Thank you. But, um, I also have done readings and um, like, like actually bought books and read books that have helped me to really understand this thing called, uh, spirituality, because it's not like there's a, unless they're, I haven't seen it, but there's not like a class in school for it. Um, you kind of have to, it's your journey. You have to find it. You have to seek it out. And there's lots of books out there that can help you once you figure out what it is. That is your,

Carlee (06:37):

Yeah. I love that. And it's one of the things that, you know, when I was kind of rekindling my spiritual relationship, um, you know, one of the questions that one of my mentors recommended, I, I answer was, you know, where do you feel most spiritually connected? Just like, what are you doing? Where are you at? And my answer was, you know, when I'm out on a hike in the middle of winter and it's just all yours whistles and also, you know, speaking of which playing with my dog, right? Like that's where I feel and, you know, gardening. And so for me, the initial answer was nature, but you know, digging a little bit deeper for myself. You know, I was also asking, you know, I was asking myself a lot of questions to get an idea. Um, so I also asked, you know, like what, what would like if I could choose my God, I put that in air quotes, you can't see me, but I'm doing a little air quotes.

Carlee (07:41):

If I could choose my God, what would they look like? Or what would it look like? And for me, I had to have the courage, like when I chose, like I chose the gender of my God and my higher power, I think it would be a better way to say it. I had to have the courage to say a feminine entity is much. It resonates much more with me than a masculine entity and that may change. But I had, now that's talking about something scary and, and having that fear around it, like, Tiffany, you mentioned earlier, you know, Oh my gosh, being a devil worshiper. And I was like, Oh my God, I'm, I'm giving, I'm turning God into a transgender woman. Like what is happening? You know? Um, it's really interesting how much fear just connecting into what works for you might bring up. So I love this tip of just.

Tiffaney (08:36):

Right. Yes and no. I'm sorry. I'm just going to say, yeah, that's, that's totally it right there. Or you decided would work best for you. And people like to, like, I come from, um, Louisville, Kentucky Midwestern area. So it's like, everything is kind of like, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, God, God, God. And so if I were to go home and be like, Oh, God's a woman. And they would flip out there might even be a whole meeting around it. So I will, I know when to say what I want to say. And I know when to just not because people have their own belief system and that's okay, but this is what works for me. So.

Carlee (09:17):

Yeah. And I think that is the real power of spirituality. And just so we're clear, like everyone who's listening, like at The Stress Less Company, the way that we define spirituality is it is the undefined thing that leads us from a place of struggle, to a beautiful state of mind. So for us, or at least for our community, it could be anything. It could be, you know, just having this conversation like this could be my spiritual experience and, and that's it. And that's okay. As long as it leads us from a place of struggle, to a beautiful state of mind, it doesn't matter.

Tiffaney (09:54):

And I like that. I like that a lot. And I'll say that, um, for me, I, I find that I can really tap into spirituality when I'm doing astrology, because I don't feel like I'm doing it by myself. I feel like I have the angels helping me so that I can help other people. So it's a beautiful thing that happens. I have my crystals with me while I'm doing it and I'm just open to the information and it's not anything bad. It'll be like, Oh, don't tell me nothing bad. I have nothing bad to tell you.

Carlee (10:24):

Yeah. Yeah. And, and that's, that's, everyone's spiritual experience. It's so interesting. I feel like I, you know, we're at time, then I could go for like another 15 minutes and dig into this. But you know, I know we haven't dug into, you know, this experience of astrology on a deeper level, but I know that there are definitely are some listeners that are curious and they may want to continue the conversation. Maybe this peaked a little bit of that, that spiritual experience. So if they're curious and they want to continue the conversation with you. Where can they find you?

Tiffaney (10:55):

They can find me on Facebook. Um, I'm still working on the website. So on Facebook, it's Astral joy. Um, if you want to send me an email it's info at astral joy and the website will be up really. Really soon.

Carlee (11:09):

Beautiful. And we'll make sure that all that information is in the show notes. And of course, we'll make sure you're tagged Tiffaney in the episode when, when we're on Facebook or wherever we're at. Um, awesome. So, you know, we want to know, we're really curious for the listeners, you know, let us know in the comments, what is spirit? Where have you felt most spiritually connected? And the answer can be as broad as it is wide, right? It doesn't really matter, but where have you individually felt most spiritually connected? Now, if you're feeling overworked and exhausted, I've got some great news for you. The Stress Less Company works with high-achieving executives, business owners and managers, just like you to find that sense of peace and freedom that they desire. And as a result of our work together, they not only learn how to learn, how to deepen their spiritual connection, whatever that means to them. They also learn the tactical tools that they need so that they can experience more free time, more efficiency and more prosperity sounds pretty great, right? Well, you can apply for a complimentary stress assessment. Awesome. Today to start the conversation about working together, visit for more information or to apply. So this concludes this episode of The Stress Less Show. I want to give one last big shout out to Tiffany Whipple, astral, joy. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Tiffaney (12:37):

Thank you for having me.

Carlee (12:39):

Absolutely. If you enjoyed this week's episode, let us know by giving us a big old thumbs up and hitting that follow or subscribe button. Thanks for listening. Share if it resonated and we will see you next week.