How Mental Health Can Get In the Way of Our Goals [The Stress Less Show - Episode 37]

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>> Carlee: Is your mental health holding you back from achieving your goals? You'll find out in this episode of The Stress Less Show. Hi. I'm Carlee Myers. A stress management expert. One thing I hear day in and day out is we feel like we've tried everything when it comes to stress management. We may have tried the mainstream approaches to managing stress but have we really tried to get to the root of the issue. Each episode I bring on experts and leaders to not just put a Band-Aid on your stress but to actually get to the root. So this month is the month of October and we are focusing on mental health. Oh my goodness what a huge issue. I think we're finally coming around, but I thought it's time let's let's put this out there even more so I have... this specific episode we're talking about how mental health can get in the way of our goals and it seems to be happening left and right and that's why I brought on this our amazing guest - Daniela Galdi. Welcome, Daniela.

>> Daniela: Hello everybody. Thank you so much for having me on, Carlee.

>> Carlee: Absolutely. So Daniela is a media personality. She's an entertainer, entrepreneur and philanthropist. With her positive ray of sunshine attitude and powerhouse energy, Daniela gets things done across multiple fields and is a leading creative resource for the entertainment, media and health - health and wellness and business industries. Guys, this is a lot she is a big deal! Whether she's on air at QVC, consulting business owners, or producing her next artistic event, at the core of every endeavor is her support... Is her support for her peers and clients. Most recently, this is the project that got us in touch and this is how we met, she founded Still Standing Together, an empowerment organization supporting women through events and media while raising awareness on mental health therapies and solutions. She also empowers and consults women entrepreneurs artists and independents through her. DG Venture Program. Daniela, I am so excited to have you on the show.

>> Daniela: I'm so excited to ask me all your questions I'm ready.

>> Carlee: So how did you get into this line of work? I mean you are a media personality, an entertainer. I mean we could go on and on. How did you end up here?

>> Daniela: OK. So I love and hate this question. If I must be honest. Because as you can see you know, I have a lot that I do and for a long time that was something I looked at as... Something that was a weakness or being frowned upon. And what I'm starting to realize especially in this past year is that it should actually be looked about looked at as a strength. And so that's what I want everybody listening to realize is that, nowadays, a lot of us are doing a lot of things; and if we have this one life to live, why are we not just doing everything we want to be doing? So to answer your question... At the heart of everything, I'm an artist and I grew up dancing. I grew up performing, and from there, I went on I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in dance and did dance education. I went on to produce many live shows things like that. So that is at the heart of everything I do and so that is where I have all these ideas because again I'm an artist. And when it when it relates back to anything, I want to be able to create. So with that said, you know I ended up having a love for the body and through dance. And I ended up opening a Pilates studio because I did a lot of training. So it kind of rears in different ways, but it gets to a point. And so with this Pilates studio. I loved so many things about it and I've been a teacher for over 15 years for Dance, Fitness, Pilates, but what I realized is that when I broke it down it wasn't actually what I wanted to be doing full time. So I think doing things that I really resisted has gotten me to the point where I am today because I started to really take a look at what I loved and what I loved was entertainment. So what can I do in every area of entertainment? Can I do you know broadcast media? Can I be producing? Things like that. So basically I branch out in everything. I'm singing now. I'm doing different things like I'm on camera. So that's where that happened and where it ties into Still Standing Together, the support and empowerment group for mental health is that for years I tried to pigeon myself, pigeonhole myself, but not because of what I wanted but because what I thought I was supposed to be doing. So when I found myself last year 2018 in a very downword deep depression and anxiety was high. I don't even remember being able you know... I had no motivation I don't remember being able to smile. I actually remember having to smile on my lips were quivering because I had forgotten what that felt like. And I had all these issues going on that stopped me from pursuing things. I finally got myself therapy again and started to take care of myself and realized that for 2019 I was just going to live by this motto and that is. You know all those things you've always wanted to do, go do them. So that brings us to where we are today.

>> Carlee: Wow. And you know the word that comes up for me is from I think it's Emily Wapnick. I hope I'm not mispronouncing her name. She has an amazing TED talk about the multipotentialite and how... I think you're, Daniela, you're a multi potential right and that is such a unique way. Like we give - and I am too - We give in such a unique way to the world that no other person could ever give... But. So you're doing everything you've always wanted to do - and I feel like that's also a whole nother conversation, Divinely feminine - But I mean this is pretty pretty kick ass. So, what do you recommend. What do you recommend for us who feel like, "Oh my goodness. Like Daniela is out there like doing all these amazing things like QVC, Still Standing Together." I mean, how do we like.... How do we get to that place where we're like we're on top of our game?

>> Daniela: OK. So I have a few things that I always try to stick to. One is that I first want people to do that self reflection and recognize why you're not taking action. So for me money had a lot to do with it. I felt for a long time because I was not making a lot of money my worth was not there. A lot of times, I was procrastinating on launching something because you know it was that feeling of maybe I'm not good enough. There was that fear of how people would perceive me especially because I'm doing all these other things you know and I'd gotten negative feedback that I wasn't looking at the positive feedback I'd gotten. So that was another thing I just had to recognize you know why I wasn't taking action. I had to make sure that desperation didn't fall in there at any point where I was taking action in the wrong way because of desperate ti- you know, desperate times call for desperate measures and they really shouldn't. They should, you know that really can get in the way. So I started with that. Just recognizing you know why am I procrastinating on something and I started with small things. So that's another another something I wanted to get in there. Whatever you're doing if you do feel that fear creeping up or that doubt or if you're ready to like launch this idea that you've just been sitting on, you know. Start with something small. start to start a start with something like maybe the dishes you procrastinate on the dishes. I was procrastinating on the dishes because I felt like my time was so limited and I really just you know... Why would I waste my time on dishes I had to get my life in order. But then, when I started to realize that I can fit in all these small things, it would lead to the big picture which actually helps me to get to the last tip and tool I wanted to share with everyone is to clear away that physical and mental clutter. Because with that, the physical clutter, you know you need a good safe environment to work in. So if you do have dishes in the sink, if your space isn't actually physically you know, tidied up. For some that really might help to get them to feel very creative and help them... Help them to find clarity and focus. And then there's that sense of that mental clutter where it's all the noise. It's that questioning we do for ourselves, but but the other noise that comes in from other people. So if we can just kind of in a sense stop thinking and start doing, it really could help. And then again it ties into doing those small things where you might want to start a new business, but maybe you go do some informational interviews and you are starting quote unquote you're starting your business, but you're starting it in a way that works for you.

>> Carlee: It reminds me of that book I'm reading right now called Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. So I think that's great. So for those of you who are listening at home it sounds like the tips that Daniela are giving us is that we need to recognize why we're procrastinating why we're not taking action. We need to take small steps. Micro bravery steps, I think you've heard me say this on the show before and clear away all that clutter. It's distracting us, it's not serving us, and we're talking mental and physical. So Daniela thank you so much for coming on the show. For those of us who are listening and want to take action, they want a little bit more support, maybe they want to start a conversation with you... Where can we find you on social?

>> Daniela: Sure. Please do reach out, I love to connect with everyone. It's at Daniela underscore Galdi. Both Instagram and Twitter.

>> Carlee: Perfect. So this concludes this episode of The Stress Less Show. This episode was sponsored by Daniela Galdi Ventures. Have an idea or business you can't stop thinking about pursuing? Now is the time to start. Through her DG Venture Program, talk one on one with Daniela through a complimentary twenty-five minute strategy call and then use the code StressLess25 for twenty five dollars off your next service. If you're struggling to get started, Daniela is the woman for you. So this concludes this episode of The Stress Less Show and we'll see you next week.