How to Transform Your Money Mindset

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When I say the word money, do you start to feel your heart race in your chest? Money can be a scary topic for a lot of us. We can have many intense emotions and feelings attached to making money, spending money, and saving money, but how often do we think about where these feelings come from and how they are affecting our financial goals? Our mindset around money can play a massive role in our financial decisions and success. That is why I brought back to The Stress Less Show the founder of OnRoute Financial, Kristy Runzer, to talk about all things money mindset with me to help all of us start to let go of a negative mindset around our wallets.

Kristy’s personal money mindset has undergone its own transformation over the years. Growing up with ideas of time and money scarcity, she began to pursue a financial planning business after college to achieve a sense of financial and time freedom. Growing and shifting her business over the years, however, has taken her on a significant mindset transformation journey as her work required her to confront her own beliefs about money.

“I struggled to grow my business because I had a lot of money mindset issues. I had a lot of those limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears around money. Not feeling deserving. Feeling like my worth as a human was tied up in my business [and] feeling attached to my results.”

Now Kristy has found her calling helping successful entrepreneurs manage their financial strategies and make intentional decisions. Taking everything she has learned in her money mindset journey, she is helping as many people as possible to shift out of the limiting and negative money mindsets that keep them from their goals. Read on for three of her tips on cultivating a healthier attitude around money! 

Tip #1: You are deserving of all your desires

To start, Kristy stresses that one of the most critical themes she has come across in her work with clients and within herself is overcoming the belief that we are not worthy of the things we want. Believing in our worth can make all the difference when we are business owners trying to gain clients or even when we are employees chasing that big promotion. The less we believe we are deserving of a financially-free life, the harder it is to achieve those revenue goals and career milestones. 

The reality is that we ARE deserving of everything we want, and going after them not only makes us feel good; it allows us to give back in ways we are not filling up our own cup.

“When I'm thriving, I know that I can give back and make a better impact on others. So it's not selfish or greedy to want things.”

Breaking down this belief of not being deserving enough opens up a whole new level of potential we can see within ourselves. From there, we can begin to feel truly inspired and empowered by our goals.

Tip #2: Combine strategy and mindset for any goal

While changing our beliefs and perceptions about our worth is a necessary first step in a healthier financial life, Kristy’s next tip is vital in putting that work into real transformative action. A clear strategy for addressing our financial goals is the road map we can follow to reach the financial freedom we are seeking. However, a road map cannot take us where we want to be on its own. It is up to us to be willing to use it!

“Having your head on board is super important, or else you'll you'll stay avoiding, you'll stay overwhelmed, [and] you'll stay playing small.”

A positive and healthy mindset around our money and financial goals gives us the confidence and drive to implement and stick to our strategy. By working on both our mindset and strategy, we are setting ourselves for genuine success by creating a plan and taking consistent action on it.

Tip #3: Time and money are abundant

Kristy’s final tip is to remember one crucial thing that many of us don’t always believe. Time and money are both abundant in our lives. I know that it can be easy to read “time and money are abundant” and instantly think, no way. 

We look at the numbers in our bank account, and it seems as if we’re constantly struggling or dissatisfied. We look at the hours on the clock, and our ever-growing list of responsibilities and the 24 hours in our day feels like it is used up and gone in an instant. How can time and money be abundant??

However, part of transforming our money mindset requires flipping our perspective on the way we view time and money. The reality is that we can find a sense of abundance in the money and time that we have, by making that shift within ourselves and the way we utilize our resources. 

“If you make something a priority and you make time there, there's time. We just have to make it.”

Opening up to the idea that we can view these resources as abundant is crucial in our ability to challenge ourselves to actually become more abundant in our financial lives. By combining the proper financial strategy with these simple shifts in the way we think about our worth and abundance, we can truly transform our financial picture and money mindset for a happier life.

Have you heard? Self-love accountability has gotten a whole lot easier! We’ve launched Self Care In Action, a brand new virtual self-care accountability group to help you relax and recharge in the comfort of your own home! Learn more here and join us for our next session on August 18th at 12pm ET!

View a full transcript of this episode here.