How to Transform Your Money Mindset [The Stress Less Show - Episode 71]

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When you think about your money, do you have feelings of stress, worry and scarcity or a sense of calm and abundance? Hi, I'm Carlee Myers. Your friendly stress management expert. And this month we're talking about money, the number one stressor in the United States for women. Go figure. And I brought on an incredible guest, Kristy Runzer, who's the founder of On Route Financial. She's a financial planner for entrepreneurs. She helps six figure entrepreneurs stop avoiding their finances and make strategic and intentional financial decisions that are aligned with their goals. Christy is passionate about financial education, money mindset and helping women use their resources to create the life and business they desire. Fun fact about Kristy and I feel like at this point we go way back. We met a few years ago at a networking event that she was hosting and running and it just grew from there. I think we've we've been in the same room too many times and and can't stop talking. So I'm excited for you guys to meet her. And I know that what you're gonna learn today is is gonna be life changing. Welcome to the show.


Christy, thanks so much, Carley. I'm super excited to be here. And we've also been your client as you coached me. And that was super transformational for me as well. So I super value our relationship.


Thank you. Thank you. So, OK, tell us. For those of us that don't know you and they don't know the work that you do. How did you end up here? 


Yeah, I was thinking back on what the journey has been like, and it's always so interesting to see how the pieces connect. When you look backward, but I was kind of reflecting on how growing up I really had this picture of both time and money scarcity. Like there wasn't enough time. There wasn't enough money. We always had to work hard. There wasn't time to do things that I wanted to do or that I liked. And it just really felt this scarcity around those two things. And I think that was a big motivator for me and really something that made this idea of being an entrepreneur very intriguing. I wanted to have the time flexibility. I wanted to be able to spend a bunch of time with my family, do whatever I want, make as much money as I want. Right. Like the dream that seems so amazing. But it's also hard work for sure. So I went to college, didn't really know what to get a degree in or what this future business might look like. But I loved math. I loved money. So I got into finance and I figured too that with a finance degree, you can go into the industry because all businesses make money. So when I graduated, it kind of looked like I could do a corporate finance type position or I had this opportunity to start a financial planning business. No salary, no benefits. You know, mom wasn't too happy about that one. I had a lot of the like. You should go get a job with a four oh one K and a health insurance plan, which I'm sure some people might have had those kind of like naysayers in their lives. And that that was a big struggle for me starting out. I started that practice. I was in that for five years. I was serving pre retirees, kind of the financial planner you might envision like your dad working with. That was me. I was serving pre retirees who had millions and millions of dollars. And I had a successful business. I had the time, freedom I was craving, but I was still burnt out. I was still not happy. And so after several weeks of hardcore Netflix binges, I realized that a change needed to be made. And that's when I really started reflecting and thinking about what was working and what wasn't working. So I had the kind of the time and money I had wanted, but I wasn't making the impact that I wanted. And that's when I left behind that business started a new financial planning practice, which I'm in now, and really just serving clients that get me excited. Entrepreneurs you know people who are kind of in that growth mode of their life and they're really out there designing a business that makes impact and income and figuring out ways to take care of themselves and live a really rich and passion filled life. So that's really kind of now what fuels me is is helping clients to helping myself and clients to really go after that business and life that you've really been wanting for yourself. And also, through that journey to even as a financial planner, I struggled to grow my business because I had a lot of money mindset issues. I had a lot of those, you know, limiting beliefs and doubts and fears around money, not feeling deserving. Feeling like my worth as a human was tied up in my business, you know, really feeling attached to my results. Like if I didn't hit a revenue goal, then I was a failure and I sucked. And so kind of bringing together my experience as a small business owner, as a personal financial planner and somebody who is on a money mindset journey. That's really where I've tied those three components together now. And kind of the philosophy, I guess, that I use in working with clients and in my business.


I love it. And I in my head, when you were sharing your story, like I my parents, God love them and now they believe in me and they're like, yes, she's doing it. I'm so proud. But when I first started out, they were terrified, terrified. And so what kept coming up for me is this kind of what we used to hear was like, thanks, Obama, but what's coming up in me, in my mind with thanks, mom. Those thoughts and beliefs. So I'm curious, you know, in your journey, what are some tips or what is something that you would like to share with our listeners that can help support them on their money journey?


Yeah, one of the biggest themes for me and I think for a lot of us is, is that feeling like we're not enough, we're not deserving. We're not worthy. And so a tip and something I'm still working on and might even be working on for years to come is just realizing I am deserving of everything that I desire. And it's a good thing. For me to want things and I'm worth it, it's good for me to invest in myself. It's it's good for me to create a life I love to create this amazing business, because when I'm thriving, I know that I can give back and make a better, better impact to others. So it's not selfish or greedy to want things. So that's a that's a big one. Another is really for me at least. And a lot of my clients I've worked with is finding that right. Combination of strategy and mindset for the goals that that you're working towards. Right. Strategy is important because we want to be taking action and mindsets important because we need to be in the right headspace to take that action or, you know, I'm kid. I don't even want to get into mindset because that's a whole box of worms. But really, having your head on board is super important. Or else you'll you'll stay avoiding, you'll stay overwhelmed, you'll stay playing small. And then it's only 


I it's funny that you share that, because one of the things that I teach my clients, especially now, is that the first step is creative stress reduction. And the reason that I teach that as a first step is because when the and, the goal of that is, is to get out of fight or flight and to rest and digest mode, because quite frankly, when we are in a triggered state, we make poor decisions. And so I think that mindset shifts. I love that you shared that because we have to have a good head on our shoulders before we can even get into the strategy or else we make poor decisions 


Totally. I love that. That's that's so great.


Awesome. And so I know we were talking about a little bit about abundance. You have something you wanted to share really quickly about that perception.


Yeah. Just that, you know, leaning into the belief, even if it doesn't feel real to you right now, but training yourself to kind of lean into the belief that time and money are both abundant things and resources that are available to us. Has has been super helpful on my my journey as well. And the time when especially because we do only have 24 hours in a day. But if you make something a priority and you make time there, there's time. We just have to we have to make it right. 


Yes. I heard someone say we all have the same hours in a day as Oprah. So what's your excuse?


Yes. Yes. 


I love that. So for those of you who are listening, we want to know what resonated with you. And please share that in the comments below, because, quite frankly, one of the things that comes up around money is shame. And what is the best shame buster? It's being vulnerable, hearing what you know, hearing what other people have to say and sharing what you have to say around money. So definitely let us know in the comments below what resonated for you. Now, if you're feeling overwhelmed, overworked, overwhelmed or exhausted. I've got some good news for you. The Stress Less Company works with high achieving CEOs, business owners and managers just like you to find that sense of peace and freedom they desire. And as a result of their work together, they learn how to properly manage their time, tasks and energy so that they can experience more time, freedom, efficiency and prosperity. Sounds pretty great, right? Well, apply for a complimentary stress, less clarity session today to start the conversation about working together. Visit Stressless CO dot COM Slash apply for more information. That concludes this episode of The Stress Less Show. I want to give Kristy one last shout out and thank you. Thank you so much for coming on the show today.


Thanks for having me, Carlee. 


Absolutely. If you've enjoyed this week's episode, let us know by giving us a big old thumbs up and hitting that follow or subscribe button. Thanks for listening, Share if it resonated. And we will see you next week. Bye.