Mindful Engagement Tip

I'm shifting gears on my blog this week in hopes of inspiring gentle and supportive action on your journey to emotional freedom.

Quick Tip:

Choose one activity that you will mindfully engage with this week to support in calming your body's stress response.

Example: Perhaps you decide to wash the dishes mindfully this week. Each time you wash the dishes, you'll simply take the time to notice the warmth of the water, the suds, the remnants of the food that were once on the dish, and anything else that is happening or is present for you in the moment.

Can't wait to hear how it goes!

To your freedom,

PS: If you found today's quick tip helpful, you might benefit from joining one of my Emotional Freedom Training Programs™. These signature programs are packed with tips and tricks just like this to support YOU in relieving stress. Apply here for a complimentary discovery call.