Parallel Dialogue vs Horizontal Dialogue

Have you ever shared something with someone and felt like even though they heard you they weren't really listening?

Like they hear you, but they just don't truly understand you?

If so, you're not alone. In fact, almost all of us have likely felt this way at some point or another, especially if we've experienced some sort of devastating loss.

With the experience of loss and grief, we are more likely to feel isolated, alone, and like no one really understands us...

And not feeling truly heard, seen or understood can actually perpetuate and deepen our suffering.

According to relationship experts, Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD...

Talking is one of the most dangerous things we can do.

... and I agree.

For as long as we've been alive we've engaged in something called parallel dialogue. Parallel dialogue is basically where two people talk and no one really listens.

Examples of parallel dialogue can most easily be observed in almost every sitcom on tv. You know, one character mentions something about their coffee and the next sentence out of the other person's mouth is them wondering why their date didn't text them back. Two people share, neither one is really listening to the other.

When it comes to sharing little things here and there it's not always a big deal, but when it comes to really connecting in our relationships, having someone share and having someone else truly listen is KEY.

Enter the concept of horizontal dialogue where one person shares and another person listens.

Simply engaging with this practice of having a sharer and listener can be a game changer in our relationships AND, as you might have guessed, there really is more to creating a situation where someone, including you, can feel truly seen and understood.

And the 'more' is exactly what I teach in my Safe Conversation® Workshops so clients can:

  • create more connected and fulfilling relationships

  • say no to unwanted obligations

  • deepen their connection with those important to them

  • set healthy boundaries

  • navigate salary increases or sales with ease

  • and more...

Click here to register for my next Safe Conversations® workshop.

In your corner,