Learn to Become Present

Last week I shared with you the definition of Emotional Sobriety. As a reminder, Ingrid Clayton, PhD defines emotional sobriety as follows...

"...Emotional sobriety is less about the quality of the feeling ("good" or "bad") and more about the general ability to feel one's feelings. Being restored to sanity isn't about getting the brass ring—or cash and prizes—or being "happy, joyous, and free" all the time, but it is about being in the present moment, whatever it happens to look like...Sometimes emotional sobriety is about tolerating what you are feeling."

Yep, the secret to emotional sobriety is being present to our feelings and emotions.

Feel free to roll your eyes here if you have the urge, I get it, AND I also invite you to read on.

I know the whole 'be present' thing feels a bit overdone at this point and that's because it is being spewed as advice from a lot of people who have never really been present with their own emotions (remember my reference to spiritual bypassing in my last blog?).

It's easy for someone to tell us to be present with our emotions...to truly FEEL our feelings. It's not so easy to actually do that, especially if the only way we've survived devastating loss and day to day stress is by dissociating or numbing.

No one tells us HOW to be present with our feelings.

Because it's not taught in schools, churches, community centers and any other center for education.

But there is, actually, a simple 4 step process I teach that shows us exactly how to be present to our feelings and emotions...how to truly be emotionally sober.

This is the very first process I teach clients when we begin our work together.

It is the thing that calms the nervous system and makes many of my clients feel safe within themselves for the first time in a long time.

Taking on the journey of becoming emotionally sober isn't for the faint of heart and that's why many of my clients have decided to work with me.

They know that getting the help of someone a few steps ahead of them on the path will make things less lonely, will make things easier and will ultimately lead them to the next level of spiritual growth.

I believe each and every one of us has a unique lesson to learn while we're here on this planet. Why resist learning the very thing that will make our lives better and why not embrace it?

The world needs you presently so why not learn to be present? Why not learn to become emotionally sober? And, why not increase our capacity to help ourselves so we can help others?

Click here to learn more and apply for a complimentary discovery call with me.

Always in your corner,
