Calm the Nervous System

Do you know why step number one of my signature Stress Less Method™ ends up being so powerful for so many of my clients?

Because step number one of The Stress Less Method™ actually creates miracles.

Miracles meaning shifts in perception that alter the way in which we move through and view the world.

If you don't know what step number one is, don't worry, I'll fill you in...

Step number one is "Manage your Energy" and during this first step we get the opportunity to manage our nervous system by taking care of both the mind and body.

As you may know when it comes to the mind, the stories we tell ourselves and the subconscious beliefs we carry with us really impact our stress levels. You may remember a formula I've sent in past newsletters:

Stress = The Thing + The Perception of Said Thing

What you may not know is that the body also plays a key role in whether or not our nervous system becomes triggered. For example, caffeine and alcohol can actually impact our physiology to create a stress response without ever needing a stressor in front of us.

(Of course, add a stressor after having some caffeine and some alcohol the night before and you have a recipe for a stress disaster.)

Step one is powerful because it actually teaches us how to hack the mind and body to allow it to work FOR US.

Step one actually allows us to consciously choose a different way by providing the tools we need to calm the nervous system and experience more of the beautiful state of mind we all desire.

Want to learn more about my signature Stress Less Method™? 
Apply for a complimentary Discovery call today.

Always in your corner,