Applying Structure to At-Home Learning

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This week I brought on an incredible guest, Dr. Steven Greene, who - believe it or not - I actually met online during the pandemic through a mutual friend (shout out to Melissa Aidukas if you're reading this).

Dr. Steven Greene is the owner of Make The Grade, an online tutoring company, and has more than 20+ years of experience with online learning. Yep, he didn't need to "pivot" during the pandemic... He was already doing all his work with students online.

During our conversation, we spoke about what we can do to better cope with at home learning and here's what he shared...

Implement Structure.

Simple, but most definitely true. We can have the best technology or textbooks in the world right now, but without structure, we may not be setting ourselves up for success.

You see humans are creatures of habit. We thrive on rituals, habits and routines.

Now, this structure creates a sense of safety and predictability in our lives that enables our minds to move onto bigger and better things, like learning what 250 divided by 5 is. If we don't have that structure around time, our physical space or otherwise in place, this unpredictability can get in the way of learning and progress. We'll be thinking about where or when we're going to learn instead about the learning itself.

So here's my invitation - whether you're a parent with kids learning at home or you're riding solo or somewhere in between - take some time to answer this question:

Where would I benefit from a little more structure?