It's The Little Things...

This week I'm celebrating the small things...

I'm celebrating that...

  • You are in my life and opening my emails.

  • I live in a country that has a 'freedom day'

  • There is finally a 'light at the end of the tunnel' regarding covid in my community.

  • I had a wonderful July 4th weekend spent with loved ones and even got to see one of my childhood friends marry the love of her life on his family farm.

  • I ate the first few delicious cherry tomatoes from my garden.

  • My dog is happy and healthy.

  • And so much more.

Sometimes it's easy to overlook the little things, but those little things certainly do add up quickly.

These 'little things' that we often take for granted have the power to literally change the trajectory of someone's life.


So, today, let's not take them for granted, okay?

Let's take a moment to celebrate those little things together. Shoot me a reply and tell me what small (or big) things are you celebrating in your life right now.

It just might make both of our days a little brighter.