Summer Already Booked Solid?!

Welp, it's official. I'm booked every weekend until Mid-August.

Between weddings, barbecues, and beach outings, I'm literally booked every single weekend through Mid-August.

Are you experiencing this as well?

I know I'm not the only one since I've seen a few of my friends on social media say the exact same thing. In fact I even saw this funny TikTok about this predicament the other day (if only I could find it for you).

Much of this trend online is talking about how horrible it is to have such an experience.

Of course, as you might have guessed, I have a different perspective.

My perspective?

How cool is it that I get to experience all of this in a few short weeks?! Ceremonies of love, delicious food that isn't all cooked by myself or my sweetheart, real quality time with friends and family, the magnificence of the ocean....WOW! And, for this I am grateful.

And, yet, I also want to acknowledge how energetically draining experiencing all this wonder in such a short period of time can be...

It truly can be extremely draining - hence why that TikTok video was created in the first place, right?

That's why, for me, I sat down to figure out exactly how to manage my energy while moving through the next few weeks and here's what I received.

In order to make the most of the next few weeks without draining my energy, I needed to:

  • Schedule some time off work

  • Can a few jars of apple pie filling to make bringing my famous apple pie to barbecues that much easier for myself

  • Schedule time in my calendar to ensure that key work items are completed and aren't taken over by other appointments that, let's be honest, can wait until later

  • Ensure I have healthy snacks on hand in case the adventure takes a little longer than my stomach wants or desires

  • And more.

So here's my invitation for you this week...

If you're finding the energy of summer is moving a bit quick for you or you're worried that your energy will be drained by all the movement, I invite you to take a few minutes to sit down and figure out what it is that you need to feel energized, aligned and in love with your experience of Summer 2021. Then, of course, take action to make sure that those precious needs are met.