A Highly Sensitive Person

You may not know this, but...

I'm highly sensitive. ️

And, in case you're wondering what the heck that is...

A Highly Sensitive Person or HSP is someone who's nervous system, a network of nerve cells and fibers that transmit impulses throughout the body, is more sensitive than others.

This means a couple of things...

One, I'm much more aware of the subtleties in my environment than others around me.

And, two, I'm much more likely to become overwhelmed.

Unaware that I was highly sensitive for years, it was super easy for me to be overwhelmed. Too much of anything - light, sound, change, decisions, you name it could trigger a spiral of overwhelm for me.

This showed up in a myriad of ways...

I remember going on a late night walk with my sweet heart a few years ago after working a long day and asking him to cross the street so we could be further from the visually 'loud' street lights and aggressive buzzing sounds of the main road that was nearby. To my partner this was just background information. For me it felt overstimulating.

Back when I had a 9-5, I remember sitting in the boardroom and being asked to provide feedback on one of the website designs the organization was thinking about moving forward with. I remember describing to them that the bright, brilliant white of the website felt 'assaulting to my eyes.' Immediately one of my colleagues spoke out in shock, "Isn't that a little dramatic, Carlee?" To them, it was simply a representation of the "white cube", an art world thing basically meaning a blank space that makes sure the art is the main focus. This is not how it felt to me.

It showed up countless times for me while at a diner or restaurant. I would be sitting there trying to decide what to order long after everyone else has already decided. I was overstimulated.

It would show up when too much opportunity would come knocking on my door (hello, self-sabotage!).

I lived much of my life overwhelmed.

Luckily my friend (and badass lady boss), Jessica Procini, recommended I connect with Heather Dominick for support or I might have lived in the highly sensitive shadow of overwhelm for a lot longer.

Learning that I am highly sensitive was live changing for a few reasons...

1. I realized that being able to access subtleties in my environment is a strength that more than 80% of the population doesn't have. I can't tell you how many times my intuition has told me to bring an umbrella, wear rain boots, make that phone call to check in on a friend, etc. This sensitivity has saved my ass (and some of my friend's asses) more times than I can count.

And, 2. I realized that I can train my nervous system by using the tools and doing the deep work that Heather teaches. I don't actually have to live in a state of overwhelm as a HSP.

Learning this has been life changing because I get the superpowers of being highly sensitive (intuition, creativity, deep listener/feeler/thinker, acute awareness of subtleties, etc.) without all of the crazy overwhelm that comes along with having an untrained highly sensitive nervous system.

As an HSP in my strengths I get to...
1. Give myself the gift of doing things differently than the other 80%
2. Use my sensitivities to connect with my clients and potential clients on a deeper, even more powerful level
3. Let my intuition tell me what I want to eat when out at a restaurant (thank god lol)
4. Feel deep love and connection with my partner

And so much more. ️

If you sense you might be Highly Sensitive...

Or if you are crazy resistant to identifying as an HSP (that was me when I first discovered what an HSP was - "NOPE, NOT ME! NOOOOPE.")...

Or if what I shared just resonated, please shoot me a reply to this email.

You may want to check out what my mentor, Heather Dominick, will be offering on May 18th - a completely free small group mentoring session (25 people max).