Relationships Are HARD

Something about spending time with those we love the most can make the entire world, that seems to be moving so fast, screech to a halt. Connection, love, that deep sense of belonging...

Looking back on the last year, I've been thinking about this a lot. I'm fortunate enough to have family that I love and that love me. I'm fortunate to have friends that I love and that love me. I'm fortunate as hell in my relationships.

Even when the going gets tough in all of these relationships, when the pendulum swings back I'm again grateful.

But I'm not writing this to tell you that, I'm writing this to affirm something...

Relationships aren't always easy.

In fact I love the saying I heard somewhere on the internet that...

Relationships are our biggest spiritual teachers.

I find this to be deeply true. Every relationship I’ve ever had - past and present - has taught me something important that I carry with me each and every day.

Whether it's...

  • hey, I'm the kind of person that needs some alone time to recharge

  • Or, you know what, beer really isn't my thing

  • Or, hey now, I'm worth being treated like the beautiful soul that I am.

  • Or, wow, I have a blast when hanging out with my fellow Libras (lol)

These relationships have helped me get to know myself, what I desire, what I deserve, what I need to work for and what I need to work on.

And, for this, I'm grateful.

Our relationships may not be perfect, but may we learn what we are meant to learn from them and be grateful for all the miracles that come our way as a result.