trouble sleeping

How to Manage Media Overload For A Good Night’s Sleep [The Stress Less Show - Episode 74]

How to Manage Media Overload For A Good Night’s Sleep [The Stress Less Show - Episode 74]

Social media scrolling keeping you up at night? It happens to the best of us. We get into bed, but we just can’t resist watching one more TikTok or checking Instagram one last time for any new messages. Then in a blink of an eye, a whole hour has gone by and we’re still not sleeping! This month, we are switching gears and talking about media overload because it can have major impacts on so many different areas of our lives - our productivity, our stress, and yes, our sleep! In this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show, founders of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Associates, licensed psychologist Jacqueline D. Kloss, Ph.D. and physician Amanda Swain, M.D., are back by popular demand to share their insights on how to keep our screen time from interfering with our bedtime!

How to Have Healthier Sleep Practices [The Stress Less Show - Episode 67]

How to Have Healthier Sleep Practices [The Stress Less Show - Episode 67]

Show of hands: how many of us got a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Let’s face it, pulling ourselves away from work, family, or chores and getting in bed at a reasonable hour can be tough. And once we get in bed, actually FALLING asleep can seem even tougher. We all know that a good night’s rest is crucial for our physical health, but how do we make sure we are setting ourselves up to get the shut-eye we need? In this week’s episode of The Stress Less Show, founders of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Associates, licensed psychologist Jacqueline D. Kloss, Ph.D. and physician Amanda Swain, M.D., have come on the show to share vital tips and information on sleep and how we can implement healthy sleep habits in our bedtime routine.