How to Achieve Balance [The Stress Less Show - Episode 59]

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Do you feel like the other shoe finally dropped with this pandemic. In this episode, we're going to chat about this global trauma that we're going through and how to find out how to find the help that we need and why processing is so important. Hi, I'm Carlee Myers, your friendly stress management expert. And this month we're talking about mental health. Now, I've brought on an amazing guest, Majet, who helps people find fulfillment through counselling, coaching and community. Now she owns Resilient Mind Works Counseling Practice in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And that practice helps people who are struggling with anxiety, depression and PTSD. She's also the owner of Diva Girl Philadelphia, which empowers and educates women with fun classes, parties, conferences and volunteer trips abroad, which is actually how we met. We met through the amazing Diva Girl community. Now, Majet also coaches, singles and dating. Self-esteem is boosting our self-esteem, relationships and matchmaking. So it's it's easy to say that she has her hand in all sorts of buckets because she knows what she's talking about when it comes to processing emotions, developing fulfilling relationships, the whole nine yards. So, Majet, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for joining us. 


Thank you so much for having me. Carlee, I'm excited to be back. 


Yes. So for those of us who haven't tuned into your previous episodes and gotten all of the wealth of knowledge that you've shared in the past, would you mind just giving us the cliff notes of how you ended up here and why you do the work that you do?


Yeah, definitely. So for 13 years, I was working as a paramedic. And I knew at that time that it was time for me to change gears because I felt like I wasn't growing. And there's something inside me that needed to happen and that was, you know, growth or some some change that I needed. And I ended up going into this orientation about trauma counselling, at Jefferson university that was for grad school. And that's when I realized that this is what I am suppose where I am supposed to be and this what I am supposed to do to process the trauma that people have gone through. Because looking back, I, too, have suffered trauma. I, too, have suffered from anxiety, depression and PTSD, having had traumatic events happen to me as a paramedic, also working as a paramedic, being assaulted by my co-workers and having and I didn't get to process that for many years until I got into this program of trauma counselling. And that's when I realized that this is my purpose now after processing my own trauma. And then now I help people process their own so they can live in the present. And then we can plan a fulfilling future.


I love that. I love that. So for those of us who are listening at home who are I mean, we are all in it together right now. The entire world. We're talking in terms of, you know, this pandemic. No. What would you recommend? I know there's a lot of change coming up right now. A lot of. I mean, we could call trauma change. Depends on the level. Depends on the contact you'd like so much. What do you like what are your thoughts around like how how we can cope with all of this or what we need to be doing to prevent, you know, the second wave, which, you know, I think we were talking about, which is like the mental health wave of this pandemic. 


I don't know if we can prevent that wave. I think we just need to be prepared for that wave. It's gonna come. 




So trauma is the psychological and emotional response to an event that is so disturbing. Right. So what is happening right now in the world. It's disturbing and it is something that is so distressing for all of us. Right. So that feeling of anxiety, anger, fear, loneliness and disgust. These are all the emotions that people are going through. And none of them are wrong. All of them are normal. So if you're feeling any of these emotions, I just want to remind you that it's totally normal. What we're going through the whole world, a pandemic that's abnormal. So that's abnormal. And it's so distressing for all of us. And that's okay. Right. And that's the trauma that we are all in. So with that knowing and being aware of that, what can we do? Because there is there is this wave coming in. I see it already. And it's and I can feel it like I'm getting more and more clients. who its starting to settle to a lot of people. It's not a shock system anymore, right? We know we're in it. And this is when we really need to tune into our emotions and not run away from it and actually acknowledge it, acknowledge it and feel it. And after feeling it. Cause a lot of us, and I tend to do this, too, is keeping ourselves busy so that we can run away from it, not knowing that we're doing that. Avoiding it. Right. But what we really need to do is to feel it. And if we need to go to Sad Town, go to sad town, you know, but don't live there. Try to understand while you're there. Like, why am I feeling this way? Why is this triggering me? What is this reminding me of my past, right? Of my childhood or, you know, other traumatic events that we had gone through. So and then after understanding that having the the action plan for it and the action plan for it is something that we're going to use to prepare for the uncertainties that life throws at us and the people you know, that we cannot control. And these are the coping skills that includes what you are. So... You know, you're very you love this part of this self care. Right. This self care that I don't mean manicure and pedicure and massages, but more like creating this routine of knowing where your joy is, you know, being able to pause and take a moment and tap into that. What brings me joy and what activity is that. Cause with that when you know, what brings you joy. That's your purpose. Right? And then when you know your purpose. That's your why. And we know when you know your why. There's always hope and you're going to keep going. Right. And in the midst of this chaos, I want everybody to remember that in the midst of this chaos, this pandemic, a lot of people are looking for their purpose. You know, a lot of people feel lost when they don't know their purpose, you know? And then what? Then again, you go back to that. All right. I need to do my self care. Let me tap into that. You know, like I'm... What brings me joy? What is that activity that brings me joy? So I can find my purpose, for example, especially for the creatives, is creating something and then sharing it. You know that when you tap into that, you know, like if it's, for example, painting is something that, you know, that brings someone so much joy or drawing. Do that. Put that on your calendar on a regular basis and everything else revolves around that. Because when you know what brings you joy. Remember, that is your purpose. And then maybe being able to share that to the world. So so am I. Am I making sense?


Yes. Yes. It's funny. Like, I was just reading. I was doing some additional reading on stress management and psychology behind it. And all of this just last night. And they were talking about, you know, one of the research studies that they went through was about how folks who have a sense of purpose actually are much more one resilient and two actually don't end up having the as many side effects, if you will, of going through something that's really difficult. And so I love that recommendation, Majet, because if we can just say, OK, you know what? It's simple. My purpose isn't something crazy. It's just it's to find it's to do the things that bring me joy. And that creates that sense of hope. We are going to be able to so much better cope with everything that's going on. Like one hundred percent. A hundred percent. Well, I know there's so much more we could dig into. I feel like one of these days we're gonna do like an hour and a half long episode or something. But I just want to thank you for coming on the show. This is this is a really well needed perspective. 


Yes, I'm very happy to be here. And, you know, and whenever you need me, like, you know, just let me know and I would love to hop on and talk to you. 


Great. So for those of you guys who are listening at home, we want to know what brings you joy, what makes you, you know, spark and feel happy, spark joy, feel happy all of that. So let us know in the comments and make sure to tag us, because we want to see that. Now guys, we also have some pretty big news. And this is that the stress less space is back. And it's more actually affordable than ever. So this is a self love accountability group. It's a whole new virtual level. Join us twice a month for one hour, a group, accountability, self care, accountability sessions and gain access to a community of incredible women and folks that have the same goals as us. 


Can I just add. I think some people are lost when it comes to I don't know what brings me joy. And, you know, with some of my clients, I give them a suggestion that, you know, maybe try something different each week. Right. So groups like what you have, if they are lost or they don't know what, break can bring them joy. Joining an accountability group or a group that you just said the stress less space they can that can help you find that joy for yourself. So I love that. 


Yes. Yes. So, guys, I do want to find what brings you joy. You want accountability around doing the things that bring you joy. Make sure to click the link in the description of this week's episode. So that concludes this week's episode of The Stress Less Show. If you enjoyed this week's episode, if you enjoyed Majet thoughts and shares and a wealth of knowledge, please give us. Let us know by giving us a big thumbs up or hitting that follow and subscribe button. Thanks for listening. And we will see you next week.