How to Tap Into Your Intuition [The Stress Less Show - Episode 53]

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Are you tired of getting burned because you didn't trust your gut? We've all been there. And today it's time to put an end to it by developing your intuition and actually listening to it. Hi, I'm Carlee Myers, a stress management expert, and this month we are talking about stress and spirituality. So I brought on an amazing colleague and guest, Colleen St. Michaels, to talk about this. You know, her and I first met through a support group that we were we were showing up as experts giving back to the community. And we just hit it off because you know me, I'm more practical. I think, Colleen, a little bit more on the spiritual level. And I learned a lot, a lot, a lot from her. So she is the owner of Angel Wisdom. She is a renowned intuitive, spiritual teacher, intuitive development coach and motivator, a motivational speaker. She is a pioneer of spiritual healing in the community. And she works with individuals and groups teaching tools to reach their highest self emotionally, spiritually, professionally and physically. So she sat with actually thousands of clients for over a decade and watched the transformation of confusion. We've all been there to confidence that takes place when we develop that intuition that she teaches. So Colleen also offers intuitive development coaching through her platform Lave Om, which focuses on steps to cope and connect with change by navigating your intuitive messages. So, Colleen, I'm so excited to have you on the show.


Thank you so much for having me on the show. I again, you know, just to chime in 100 percent, we connected right away because, you know, I love all of your information that you were sharing and, you know, your passion to share it. So it's. Thank you for having me.


Yes, absolutely. I know I'm a fiery spirit, so 


I love it. I love it. Fire. Gets things done. 


Exactly. So tell me, though, I'm curious, like your background. I don't even know. We've gotten into it in all of our conversations. How have you? How are you where you're at today? Like, why do you do this line of work?


You know, that's an amazing question, because I often ask myself that when I pinch myself and say, you know, thank you for allowing me to live my passion, my purpose and what is profitable for my world that I live in, our three P's. I wasn't always in tune and in touch. So I'm very passionate about the benefits of how we can grow through developing our intuition. I was in a very unhealthy marriage for many years. I was starting from ground zero after losing a home, my whole finances, my whole situation. And left, you know, to tend to my children and figure it out. And if it wasn't for my intuition, that was guiding me in the work with my angels. I can't say I could be where I am today if I hadn't gone and taken that leap out of that fear space, out of that space of unhappiness. And, you know, just getting by and getting through life rather than co-creating it with life. So I feel so blessed and passionate. And that's why this is like, you know, we say, I feel like the colonels that got the secret recipe for the chicken because it's... I have seen it not only in my own world, but the thousands of clients I've sat with and taught this very simplistic way that we can connect with our intuition. And what is it? Because we all have have it like what is it? It's it's it's a trending word now. But what is it? And that's what I like to share.


Yeah. OK. So what is intuition? I feel like from my perspective, it's like that gut feeling, that moment where you just quote. No, but I'm curious. First of all, that's that can be confusing to call. It this things like, oh, you'll just know. So how would you define intuition?


So I feel that I've created the CliffNotes to learning. Because I want to give all of my clients and her viewers all that time of sucking your thumb, rocking in a corner, thinking you're crazy and that you're just making stuff up because it's an inner battle. And, you know, because I spent a good amount of time doubting what I felt so intensely. But we're so fearful to actually step in and try. And so we know it is the gut. It is you know, there's many different ways that we can receive. I always call her meeting Claire, and it's like meeting Claire as your clairvoyancy. See your Claireaudient, your Clairecogenece. And it's it's it's an inner knowing is Clairecognence. And what the difference is, is that we have two voices that are constantly moving through our system. The one is our ego. And a quick way to you know, know when your ego is speaking. It's not your amigo. Your ego is never your amigo. It's not saying nice things to you. It's bringing up the past, disappointments. It is shaming you. It is placing you into this very negative place within yourself. It's telling you you can't. Well, our intuition speaks through either the physical self or your emotions. Whereas though you feel calm, most people feel uncomfortable feeling calm because they feel like that's not prepared. And when we are in that state of calm. Even if it's just for one breath, we're then aligning ourselves with tuning into ourselves because our intuitive voice will always speak with consistency. It will always be consistent. Call such and such. Reach out like it's a knowing which you don't know why you're taking that next step. What we need to be mindful of is when you're learning to develop your intuition, always know that it's in you. So it's remembering how to use it. Not so much learning it, but remembrance that we came to this world with this internal gps that was imprinted within us to help guide our personal journeys. So every single one of us has our own unique fingerprints. That is the key that unlocks our souls chart. Our fingerprints are our human identity. Our soul print is our spiritual purpose in this world. So when we are connecting in and listening to how we receive, we are then paying attention to what our soul is speaking, what our what our gut what our purpose, what our path, our passion, it what it's saying. And often we don't want to listen to our intuition. But it's always speaking. 


So would you say like a great way to start developing your relationship with that intuition? Like, would you say that would be slowing down and 




like listening?


So, you know, all these things, you know, when I hear them, they're just so organic to me now. But I remember hearing them in the beginning and feeling like it was a foreign language. So how we can describe it is this. We want to understand that the intuition is only speaking and take a breath. If there's you can't find answers in chaos. So just pause, breathe. Take that breath and then ask yourself the investigative question, what is not aligned with my life? What do I want? It's not from the outside that you're gonna find it. It's from the inside. And just pay attention to what your body is saying with tingling comes up 


And then go, of course, go back and say, OK, if it's whatever it thing is, not my amigo right now, that's my ego versus what you know. If it feels calm and feels centered, then that is my intuition. I feel like that is the biggest like the most helpful that I've ever heard about intuition because, you know, a lot of times we're saying, listen to your gut, listen to your gut or follow your intuition, but then we get confused. We're like, well, I don't know what to do because I don't know which voice to listen to. Like a great example would be, you know, years ago I was too in an unhealthy relationship and I kept hearing, well, you're never - internal voices. You're never gonna be able to survive outside of this relationship. You'll never find anybody again. And you'll never bu bu bu all those nevers. Right. And then there was the other side of me that was like, but the world is beautiful. Imagine the life you'll create in all of this. And then my ego's like you. You're so selfish, right? And so they were they were fighting, 


conflicfting l.a's. 


Yeah. But to know like, whatever is not my amigo is my ego or whatever is not my. Yeah. Whatever is not my amigo is my ego. Whatever is my intuition that 


One thing you can always remember is this the ego will always be confusing, negative and conflicting. Your intuition is always going to be consistent and repetitive in a consistent, nurturing way. And what you'll find after even hindsight is 20/20. And where you can reflect back, even if you haven't experienced this firsthand, is that your ego is not going to take you in the direction when that your your intuition is putting you in they're very polarized. Right? So it's like this is gonna take you here and this is going to take you here. We've been so programmed to listen to this ego that we don't trust ourselves.


Yeah, it's like the ego is like, quote unquote, like logical thinking. 


It's a frenemy, It's like you need the ego. We just need to learn to neutralize it and stop. and pause if you start to your negative chatter in your head, I'm like, do I believe this? 


Fact check? 


And yeah that's exactly it. It's 


I love it. 


And typically, if you take that time to fact check like you just shared, I love that, you will find that you are telling stories to yourself and you start to believe them and then become your reality.


So for those of you who are listening at home, we're really curious, like when is a time that you were really, really glad that you listened to your intuition and maybe if you're feeling vulnerable and open enough. What is a time where you didn't listen to your intuition or gut and you got burned? And what can you learn from that? So we want to hear just let us know in the comments below, because this I have a feeling this is going to start a really interesting conversation. Now, this concludes this episode of The Stress Less Show. If you've enjoyed this week's episode, let us know by giving us a big old thumbs up or hitting that follow or subscribe button. Thank you guys for listening. And thank you, Colleen, for coming on the show. This was absolutely a pleasure. 


Thank you so much for having me. 


Awesome. All right. Well, we will see everyone next week.