
Change Your Marketing Game with Follow-Up

Change Your Marketing Game with Follow-Up

Throughout March, we have been covering all things marketing. We’ve talked about resumes, social media, and networking, the works. This episode, though, I am so excited because we are discussing something that is not only crucial to your success in marketing yourself but it was absolutely LIFE CHANGING when I finally got the hang of it. This week, we are talking all about the importance of follow up and I couldn’t think of anyone better to share her expertise on the subject than my very own business coach, Laura West!

Laura’s follow up program has taught me so much about how to make following up with people I meet a fun cornerstone of my work and personal life and she had some great thoughts and insights to share with all of you in this episode. Her first tip is…

How to Use Networking to Market Yourself

How to Use Networking to Market Yourself

I know that you’ve heard it before: networking is SO important! Whether you are a business owner looking for clients or an employee looking for your next big promotion, putting yourself out there and meeting new people is key in helping you find new opportunities that excite you. Especially in today’s world, it is crucial to network and to learn how to network effectively. That is why I brought the queen of networking herself, Jennifer Robinson of Purposeful Networking, on this week’s episode of the Stress-Less Career Show to share valuable ways you can improve your networking skills and make the most of your networking efforts.

Networking is tough for a lot of us. It can be overwhelming to walk into an event with a bunch of new people and know exactly how to strike up a conversation with person after person. Knowing this, the first networking tip that…

How to Use Social Media to Up Your Marketing Game

How to Use Social Media to Up Your Marketing Game

It is the first full week of March and this month on The Stress-Less Career Show, we are moving on from personal branding to focus on marketing ourselves. I'm so excited because in this episode I brought Photographer and branding expert, Anna Laura Sommer, on the show to talk about social media and give you practical tips on how you can improve your social media game.

Social Media can be overwhelming for all of us. It’s hard to know when to post or what to say when trends are always changing. That is why when I asked Anna what her advice was for taking your social media to the next level, her first tip was…

5 Ways to Get People Talking About your Creative Business

5-ways-to-get-people-talking We can’t be the only people out there that find ourselves in a rut when the buzz surrounding our hard work goes silent. The truth is, putting the product together is the easiest part. Keeping people talking about your work once the initial “hype” that surrounds it dies off is much, much harder. In this week’s Youtube series from Carlee she’s giving you 5 steps that will help your word of mouth grow, and keep buzzing.

  1. CREATE. Create something that provides value to your community, that really stays current to your brand (ie. your art and what it’s all about). If you know that you’re community is filled with 22 year old women  in the throws of navigating adulthood, that is perfect. Play to that demographic and develop a freemium, a free tool (often a PDF) that reflects your brand and their wants/needs. Do they want funky art like yours, but have no idea how to incorporate it into their living room? Give them 5 tips for doing so! Do they want a work of art that reflects their personal style? Walk them through how to find it! Make sure that this is information and advice  that you are willing to pass along for free. Remember, we want to start the conversation about your business and what you have to offer.Having something that reflects exactly what you are offering, and being able to put it directly into the hands of your target audience is something that is immeasurable to your success. This is going to cause a chain reaction. Word of mouth will start to spread, and your reach will start to expand organically.
  1. BUILD A VEHICLE FOR DISTRIBUTION. Draft the template or email that you will use to distribute your new freemium that you have worked created. You are going to want to round up your list of friends in the industry, bloggers, vloggers, peers with any type of social media following, and those who resemble your brand’s target demographic. Having a template to use and in place makes it so much easier to send yourself out into the cyber land when you receive a new contact or connection. We use MailChimp for exactly this service. You can check them out, here. Be careful not to sound too salesy or pushy, people detest sales pitches!Make sure to leave the line of communication open in your template, so that you are always able to have feedback from these people.
  2. PRESS SEND - OR NOT. MailChimp takes care of the automation aspect of correspondence. With the automated system in place you can make sure that you are getting your freemium to the right people at the right time. What’s even better than the automation, is having the analytic feedback that MailChimp breaks down for you. Get your content into the hands of the people who you want to start talking about your work.
  1. KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING. Check back in after they have had your brand’s product in their life for a few days. ...and keep checking in and providing value whenever you can. What you are doing is building a email list--and this list is going to help you succeed. You reaching out and following up keeps that line of communication open, and of course after a little cultivation...ask them to buy something. Remember, for all intensive purposes your business is closed unless you asked for money that day. .
  1. REPEAT. Repeat steps one through four every so often, and with no hesitation! This should all become a part of your Hustling Repertoire. You’ve got this.

We want to hear what you have been doing to get people talking about your art and business!