When The Going Gets Tough

On days when you feel like there is no hope...

Look closer...

You just might just find the hope you are looking for.

Sometimes the going gets tough...

Gosh, there's a shrub in my backyard that looked dead as a door nail after this past winter- to the point where I almost...

Threw in the towel...

Called it a day...

Said screw it, I just can't...

And chucked it in the dumpster...

But I gave myself permission to look closer...and it turns out she's still alive, kickin' and growing beautiful new green foliage.

I just had to look a little closer to see...

...that she just needed a 'haircut', some water and some sun love.

When the going gets tough, take a closer look and you might be surprised to find that glimmer of hope you've been looking for.

Sending you love, grace and most of all the courage to look for one of the most powerful things on our planet - hope. ️